JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieves a list of pull requests, sliced across all repositories.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.

NOTE: ProjectId or RepositoryId or Id is required in order to query PullRequests.

  • Id supports the '=' operator.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • RepositoryId supports the '=' operator.
  • CreatedById supports the '=' operator.
  • SourceRefName supports the '=' operator.
  • Status supports the '=' operator.
  • TargetRefName supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludeLinks supports the '=' operator.
  • ReviewerId supports the '=' operator.
  • SourceRepositoryId supports the '=' operator.
  • TargetRepositoryId supports the '=' operator.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM PullRequests WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4'
	SELECT * FROM PullRequests WHERE RepositoryId = '02b4a62d-2f5f-4d69-8420-29257dcc8051'
	SELECT * FROM PullRequests WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND IncludeLinks = true
	SELECT * FROM PullRequests WHERE Id = 1
	SELECT * FROM PullRequests WHERE RepositoryId = '229ec1a1-609f-4545-af5a-85f00ce7428b' AND TargetRefName = 'refs/heads/master'	


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the pull request.
ProjectId String Id of the project.
ArtifactId String A string which uniquely identifies this pull request.
AutoCompleteSetByDisplayName String This is the non-unique display name of the resource.
AutoCompleteSetById String Id of the resource.
AutoCompleteSetByUrl String URL of the resource.
ClosedByDisplayName String This is the non-unique name of the user who closed this pull request.
ClosedById String Id of the User.
ClosedByUrl String URL of the user.
ClosedDate Datetime The date when the pull request was closed (completed, abandoned, or merged externally).
CodeReviewId Integer The code review ID of the pull request. Used internally.
CompletionOptionsBypassPolicy Boolean If true, policies will be explicitly bypassed while the pull request is completed.
CompletionOptionsBypassReason String If policies are bypassed, this reason is stored as to why bypass was used.
CompletionOptionsDeleteSourceBranch Boolean If true, the source branch of the pull request will be deleted after completion.
CompletionOptionsMergeCommitMessage String If set, this will be used as the commit message of the merge commit.
CompletionOptionsMergeStrategy String Specify the strategy used to merge the pull request during completion.
CompletionOptionsTransitionWorkItems Boolean If true, we will attempt to transition any work items linked to the pull request into the next logical state.
CompletionOptionsTriggeredByAutoComplete Boolean If true, the current completion attempt was triggered via auto-complete.
CompletionQueueTime String The most recent date at which the pull request entered the queue to be completed. Used internally.
CreatedByDisplayName String This is the non-unique name of the user who created this pull request.
CreatedById String Id of the user.
CreatedByUrl String URL of the user.
CreationDate Datetime The date when the pull request was created.
Description String The description of the pull request.
ForkSourceCreatorDisplayName String The non-unique display name of the user who created this source.
ForkSourceCreatorId String Id of the user.
ForkSourceIsLocked Boolean Indicates whether the fork source is locked or not.
ForkSourceIsLockedByDisplayName String The non0unique display name of the user who locked this fork source.
ForkSourceIsLockedById String The Id of the user.
ForkSourceName String Name of the fork source.
ForkSourceObjectId String Object Id of the fork source.
ForkSourcePeeledObjectId String Peeled Object Id of the fork source.
ForkSourceRepositoryId String Repository Id of the fork.
ForkSourceUrl String Url of the fork source.
IsDraft Boolean Draft / WIP pull request.
Labels String The labels associated with the pull request.
LastMergeCommitId String Id (SHA-1) of the last merged commit.
LastMergeCommitUrl String REST URL for the last merged commit.
LastMergeSourceCommitId String Id (SHA-1) of the last merged source commit.
LastMergeSourceCommitUrl String REST URL for the last merged source commit.
LastMergeTargetCommitId String Id (SHA-1) of the last merged target commit.
LastMergeTargetCommitUrl String REST URL for the last merged source commit.
Links String Aggregate of the reference links.
MergeFailureMessage String If set, pull request merge failed for this reason.
MergeFailureType String The type of failure (if any) of the pull request merge.
MergeId String The Id of the job used to run the pull request merge.
MergeOptionsDetectRenameFalsePositives Boolean The options which are used when a pull request merge is created.
MergeOptionsDisableRenames Boolean If true, rename detection will not be performed during the merge.
MergeStatus String The current status of the pull request merge.
RemoteUrl String Remote URL of the pull request.
RepositoryId String


Id of the repository.
SourceRefName String The name of the source branch of the pull request.
Status String The status of the pull request.
SupportsIterations Boolean If true, this pull request supports multiple iterations.
TargetRefName String The name of the target branch of the pull request.
Title String The title of the pull request.
Url String The URL of the pull request.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
IncludeLinks Boolean Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references.
ReviewerId String If set, search for pull requests that have this identity as a reviewer.
SourceRepositoryId String If set, search for pull requests whose source branch is in this repository.
TargetRepositoryId String If set, search for pull requests whose target branch is in this repository.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032