Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views

Name Description
Debriefs Maintains detailed records for service events, including technician data, customer accounts, and service outcomes.
DebriefsdebriefsDFF Stores customizable descriptive fields for service debriefs to track additional information.
Debriefslines Tracks service line details such as labor, materials, expenses, and activity durations.
DebriefslineslinesDFF Holds customizable fields for capturing additional attributes on service lines.
DebriefsprojectDetailsDFF Contains customizable fields for detailed project tracking within debriefs.
Finders Lists view finder names along with associated attributes for efficient querying.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Provides methods for managing descriptive flexfield contexts through REST API endpoints.
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Manages character-based values for flexfield structures, accessible via REST API.
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues Contains character values for managing flexfield configurations.
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues Stores numeric values for flexfield configurations.
InstalledBaseAssets Manages customer-owned and maintainable assets, including lifecycle and operational data.
InstalledBaseAssetsassetDFF Holds descriptive flexfields for adding customizable details about assets.
InstalledBaseAssetscharges Tracks asset-related charges, including billing and renewal pricing information.
InstalledBaseAssetsfixedAssetAssociations Maintains associations between installed base assets and fixed assets, including updates and terminations.
InstalledBaseAssetsmeters Manages details about meters associated with assets, including readings and configurations.
InstalledBaseAssetsnotes Enables management of asset-related notes for documentation and communication.
InstalledBaseAssetspartsListComponents Tracks components of an asset's parts list for maintenance and inventory control.
InstalledBaseAssetsrelationships Handles structural relationships between assets, including hierarchical and linked associations.
StandardLookupsLOV Provides a list of standard lookup codes and their translations for shared reference data.
StockingLocations Creates and manages stocking location records to track inventory across organizations and subinventories.
StockingLocationssiteDedicatedLocations Defines stocking location addresses dedicated to specific customer sites for logistics.
TrunkStocks Tracks trunk stock inventory, including quantities and serial numbers for sub-inventories.

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Build 24.0.9175