Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Holds descriptive flexfields for adding customizable details about assets.


Name Type Description
InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the asset in the InstalledBaseAssets table, used in the descriptive flexfield (DFF) resource. This attribute is read-only.
AssetId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the asset. This value is used in the descriptive flexfield resource for the asset and is read-only.
AssetCriticality String Defines the criticality level of the asset. This attribute provides information on how important the asset is to business operations, often used to prioritize maintenance or response efforts.
InstallationDate Date The date when the asset was installed. This value represents the asset's installation date in the descriptive flexfield resource.
_FLEX_Context String The context name of the descriptive flexfield for the asset. This context defines the group of segments available for the asset's descriptive flexfield.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String The display value of the descriptive flexfield context for the asset. This is the user-friendly version of the context name shown in the UI.
Finder String This attribute allows users to search and filter asset records based on descriptive flexfield values.

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Build 24.0.9175