Creates and manages stocking location records to track inventory across organizations and subinventories.
Name | Type | Description |
StockLocationId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the stocking location within the system, used to track inventory and storage information. |
OrganizationId | Long | A unique identifier for the inventory organization associated with the stocking location. This helps link the stocking location to the organization responsible for managing the inventory. |
OrganizationCode | String | An abbreviation representing the inventory organization, used to categorize stocking locations within the organization. |
Subinventory | String | The name of the subinventory associated with the stocking location, indicating a subdivision within the inventory organization. |
Condition | String | Defines the condition of the stocking location, with possible values of Usable or Defective. This attribute helps categorize the usability of the location for inventory storage. |
LocationType | String | Defines the type of location where inventory is stored. Possible values include TECHNICIAN, UNMANNED, MANNED, and SITE_DEDICATED. This categorizes the nature of the location and its intended use. |
LocationTypeMeaning | String | Provides a description of the location type, explaining its role such as Technician, Unmanned Warehouse, Manned Warehouse, and Site Dedicated Warehouse. |
ConditionMeaning | String | Describes the condition of the stocking location, indicating whether it is usable or defective. This attribute is based on values from the lookup type ORA_RCL_STOCK_LOC_CONDITION. |
Finder | String | The name of the finder that retrieves stocking location data from the database, enabling efficient lookup and management of stocking locations. |