Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Creates and manages stocking location records to track inventory across organizations and subinventories.


Name Type Description
StockLocationId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the stocking location within the system, used to track inventory and storage information.
OrganizationId Long A unique identifier for the inventory organization associated with the stocking location. This helps link the stocking location to the organization responsible for managing the inventory.
OrganizationCode String An abbreviation representing the inventory organization, used to categorize stocking locations within the organization.
Subinventory String The name of the subinventory associated with the stocking location, indicating a subdivision within the inventory organization.
Condition String Defines the condition of the stocking location, with possible values of Usable or Defective. This attribute helps categorize the usability of the location for inventory storage.
LocationType String Defines the type of location where inventory is stored. Possible values include TECHNICIAN, UNMANNED, MANNED, and SITE_DEDICATED. This categorizes the nature of the location and its intended use.
LocationTypeMeaning String Provides a description of the location type, explaining its role such as Technician, Unmanned Warehouse, Manned Warehouse, and Site Dedicated Warehouse.
ConditionMeaning String Describes the condition of the stocking location, indicating whether it is usable or defective. This attribute is based on values from the lookup type ORA_RCL_STOCK_LOC_CONDITION.
Finder String The name of the finder that retrieves stocking location data from the database, enabling efficient lookup and management of stocking locations.

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Build 24.0.9175