Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks trunk stock inventory, including quantities and serial numbers for sub-inventories.


Name Type Description
StockLocationId Long A unique identifier for the stocking location in the trunk stock system. It helps to identify and track the specific location where inventory is stored.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the organization associated with the trunk stock. This is used to determine which organization the stock belongs to.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization that manages or owns the trunk stock. It helps categorize and identify the organization in reports and operations.
Subinventory [KEY] String The name or code of the subinventory within the organization where the trunk stock is stored. This field is used to classify stock at a more granular level within the organization.
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the inventory item in the trunk stock system. This identifier links the trunk stock to the corresponding inventory item.
ItemNumber String The item number used to identify the product or material in the trunk stock. This number provides a reference for inventory management.
Revision String The revision number of the item in the trunk stock. It is used to track different versions or updates of the item in the inventory.
ItemSerialControl Decimal Indicates the serial control applied to the item in the trunk stock. It tracks whether the item is managed by serial number.
UOMCode String The unit of measure code that identifies how the trunk stock is measured. This code is used for inventory and transaction processing.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure used for the inventory item in the trunk stock. It is a descriptive term that identifies how the item is quantified, such as 'each' or 'box'.
TotalQoh Decimal The total quantity on hand (QOH) of the item in the trunk stock. It represents the total amount of the item available for use or sale.
TotalAvailable Decimal The total available quantity of the item in the trunk stock. It accounts for items that are not reserved or committed to other transactions.
RecoveredPartDispCode String The recovery disposition code for parts in the trunk stock. It categorizes parts based on their condition, such as 'recovered' or 'scrapped'.
SerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number of the item in the trunk stock. This number uniquely identifies each instance of the item, particularly useful for items tracked by serial number.
TransactionDate Datetime The date and time when the transaction related to the trunk stock occurred. It is used to track the timing of inventory changes.
ItemDescription String A description of the item in the trunk stock. It provides detailed information about the item, such as its function or specifications.
Finder String The name of the finder function used to search and retrieve specific trunk stock records in the database.

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Build 24.0.9175