Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Notes resource manages the asset notes that provide additional details about the asset. You can add, edit and delete the notes.


Name Type Description
InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId [KEY] Long InstalledBaseAssetsAssetId of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
NoteId [KEY] Long NoteId of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
SourceObjectCode String Name of the source object that created the note. The application automatically sets this value to CSE_ASSET during creation. This attribute is read-only.
SourceObjectId String Value that uniquely identifies the source object for the note. The application automatically sets this value to Asset identifier during creation. This attribute is read-only.
PartyName String PartyName of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
NoteTxt String Actual text of the note.
NoteTypeCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the type of note. The application automatically sets this value during creation. This attribute is read-only.
VisibilityCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the visibility to other users of the note. Valid values include INTERNAL, EXTERNAL and PRIVATE. If set to PRIVATE, then only the user who created the note can view, edit, or delete the note. This attribute is read-only.
CreatorPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the user who created the note. The application automatically sets this value during creation. This attribute is read-only.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
PartyId Long PartyId of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
CorpCurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the currency of the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only. This attribute is not currently used.
CurcyConvRateType String Type of currency of the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only. This attribute is not currently used.
CurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the currency of the party who created the note. This attribute is read-only. This attribute is not currently used.
ContactRelationshipId Long Value that uniquely identifies the customer contact who created the note. This attribute is read-only. This attribute is not currently used.
ParentNoteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent note. The application assigns a value to this attribute during creation. This attribute is read-only.
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
LastUpdateLogin String LastUpdateLogin of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
EmailAddress String EmailAddress of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
FormattedPhoneNumber String FormattedPhoneNumber of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
UpdateFlag Bool UpdateFlag of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
DeleteFlag Bool DeleteFlag of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
NoteNumber String Number that identifies the application used to generate the note. This attribute is automatically defaulted during creation. This attribute is read-only.
NoteTitle String Title of the note. This attribute is optional, which can be entered by the user.
AssetId Long AssetId of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes
Finder String Finder of InstalledBaseAssetsnotes

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111