Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


The connector models the data in Zendesk as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Power BI Connector for Zendesk Tables

Name Description
AccountSettings Query and update Account Settings in Zendesk.
ArticleAttachments Query and Delete Acticle Attachment in Zendesk.
ArticleComments Create, Update, Delete and Query the Article Comments in Zendesk.
ArticleLabels Create, delete, and query Article Lables in Zendesk.
Articles Create, Update, Archive and query Acticles in Zendesk.
Attributes Create, Update, Delete and Query the Attributes in Zendesk. An attribute in Zendesk refers to a skill type. Skill types are categories of skills.
AttributeValues Create, Update, Delete and Query the Attribute Values in Zendesk. An attribute value in this API refers to a skill. Skills are associated with an agent and determine the agent's suitability to solve a ticket.
Automations Create, update, delete, and query Automations in Zendesk.
Bookmarks Create, Delete and Query the Bookmarks in Zendesk.
Brands Create, delete, update, and query Brands in Zendesk.
Categories Create, update, delete, and query Categories in Zendesk.
ContentSubscriptions Create, Update, Delete and Query the Content Subscriptions in Zendesk. Users can subscribe to sections, articles, community posts, and community topics.
ContentTags Create, Update, Delete and Query the Content Tags in Zendesk.
CustomAgentRoles Create, Update, Delete and Query CustomAgentRoles in Zendesk.
CustomObjects Create, delete, update, and query Custom Objects in Zendesk.
CustomTicketStatuses Create, update, and query custom ticket statuses in zendesk.
GroupMemberships Create, delete, and query Group Memberships in Zendesk.
Groups Create, update, delete, and query Groups in Zendesk.
GroupSlaPolicies Create, Update, Delete and Query Group SLA Policies in Zendesk.
Holidays Create, update, delete, and query Schedules in Zendesk.
JiraLinks View and create links between your Jira and Zendesk instances.
Macros Create, update, delete, and query Macros in Zendesk.
ManagementPermissionGroups Create, Update, Delete and Query the Management Permission Groups in Zendesk. A management permission group defines which agents can create, update, archive, and publish articles. It consists of a set of privileges, each of which is mapped to a user segment. Agents receive whichever privileges are associated with the user segments they belong to.
OrganizationFields Create, update, delete, and query Organization Fields in Zendesk.
OrganizationMemberships Create, delete, and query Organization Memberships in Zendesk.
Organizations Create, delete, update, and query Organizations in Zendesk.
OrganizationSubscriptions Create, delete, and query Organization Subscriptions in Zendesk.
PostComments Query, Insert, Update and Delete PostComments in Zendesk.
Posts Query, Insert, Update and Delete Posts in Zendesk.
SatisfactionRatings Create and query Requests in Zendesk.
Schedules Create, update, delete and query Schedules in Zendesk.
Sections Create, update, delete, and query Sections in Zendesk.
Sessions Query and delete Sessions in Zendesk.
SharingAgreements Create, update, delete, and query SharingAgreements in Zendesk.
SideConversations Create, update and query Side Conversations in Zendesk.
SlaPolicies Create, update, delete, and query SlaPolicies in Zendesk.
SupportAddresses Create, update, delete, and query Support Addresses in Zendesk.
SuspendedTickets Query and delete Suspended Tickets in Zendesk.
Targets Create, Update, Delete and Query Targets in Zendesk.
TicketAudits Query TicketAudits in Zendesk.
TicketComments Query TicketComments belonging to a specified ticket in Zendesk.
TicketEvents Query TicketEvents in Zendesk.
TicketFields Create, update, delete, and query TicketFields in Zendesk.
TicketForms Create, update, delete, and query Ticket Forms in Zendesk.
TicketMetricEvents Queries TicketMetricEvents in Zendesk.
TicketMetrics Query TicketMetrics in Zendesk.
Tickets Create, update, delete, and query Tickets.
TicketSkips Create and Query the TicketSkips in Zendesk. A skip is a record of when an agent skips over a ticket without responding to the end user. Skips are typically recorded while a play-only agent is in Guided mode.
Tickets_Collaborators The Collaborator id of users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Tickets_Followers The ids of agents currently following the ticket
Tickets_Followups The ids of the followups created from ticket.
Tickets_Macros List of macros to be recorded in the ticket audit.
Tickets_SatisfactionRatings The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction.
Tickets_SharingAgreements The sharing agreements used for ticket.
Tickets_Tags The tags applied to the ticket
Tickets_Viasources List ViaSources for the Ticket.
Topics Query, Insert, Update and Delete Topics in Zendesk.
Translations Create, Update, Delete and Query the Translations in Zendesk.
TriggerCategories Create, update, delete, and query Trigger Categories in Zendesk.
Triggers Create, update, delete, and query Triggers in Zendesk.
UserFields Create, update, delete, and query User Fields.
UserIdentities Create, update, delete, and query User Identities.
Users Create, update, delete, and query Users in Zendesk.
UserSegments Create, Update, Delete and Query the User Segments in Zendesk. A user segment defines who can view the content of a section or topic.
Views Create, Update, Delete and Query Views in Zendesk.
Votes Create, Delete and Query the Votes in Zendesk. Votes represents positive and negative opinions of users about articles, article comments, posts or post comments.

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Build 24.0.8963