Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Ticket Forms in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side within the connector.
SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE Id = '123'

SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')

SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE Active = true

SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE EndUserVisible = true

SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE FallbackToDefault = true

SELECT * FROM TicketForms WHERE AssociatedToBrand = true

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.


The Name field is required to insert. Allowed for admins.

INSERT INTO TicketForms (Name, EndUserVisible, DisplayName, Position, Active, Default) VALUES ('Snowboard Problem', true, 'Snowboard Damage' 2, true, false)


You must specify the Id of the ticket form to update it. All fields that are not readonly (readonly="false" in the table) are optional. Allowed for admins.

UPDATE TicketForms SET Name = 'Snowboard Fixed', DisplayName = 'Snowboard has been fixed' WHERE Id = '123'


You must specify the Id of the ticket form to delete it. Allowed for admins.

DELETE FROM TicketForms WHERE Id = '123'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

Ticket form id.

Name String False

The name of the form.

RawName String False

The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the 'name' value, if not.

DisplayName String False

The name of the form that is displayed to an end user.

RawDisplayName String False

The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the 'display_name' value, if not.

Position Integer False

The position of this form among other forms in the account, i.e. dropdown.

Active Boolean False

If the form is set as active.

EndUserVisible Boolean False

Is the form visible to the end user.

Default Boolean False

Is the form the default form for this account.

TicketFieldIds String False

Ids of all ticket fields which are in this ticket form.

InAllBrands Boolean False

Is the form available for use in all brands on this account.

RestrictedBrandIds String False

Ids of all brands that this ticket form is restricted to.

FallbackToDefault Boolean False

If true, returns default ticket form when the criteria defined by the parameters results in a set without active and end user visible ticket forms.

AssociatedToBrand Boolean False

Only ticket forms of current brand (defined by url) if true.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The time the ticket form was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The time of the last update of the ticket form.

AgentConditions String False

Array of condition sets for agent workspaces.

EndUserConditions String False

Array of condition sets for end user products.

Url String True

URL of the ticket form.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963