Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, Update, Delete and Query CustomAgentRoles in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side within the connector.

Allowed for Agents.

SELECT * FROM CustomAgentRoles

When Id is mention in the criteria, then it wil be allowed only for Administrators and Agents with the manage_roles permission.

SELECT * FROM CustomAgentRoles WHERE Id = '13575064971293'

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.


The Name field is required to insert. Allowed for Administrators and Agents with the manage_roles permission.

INSERT INTO CustomAgentRoles(Name, Description, ConfigurationChatAccess, ConfigurationUserViewAccess) VALUES('Test', 'Description', true, 'readonly')


You must specify the Id of the CustomAgentRole to update it. All fields that are not readonly (readonly="false" in the table) are optional. Allowed for Administrators and Agents with the manage_roles permission.

UPDATE CustomAgentRoles SET Name = 'Updated Name', Description = 'Updated description', ConfigurationChatAccess = false, ConfigurationUserViewAccess='readonly' WHERE Id='13575064971293'


You must specify the Id of the CustomAgentRole to delete it. Allowed for Administrators and Agents with the manage_roles permission.

DELETE FROM CustomAgentRoles WHERE Id = '13575064971293'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

Automatically assigned upon creation.

Name String False

Name of the custom role.

Description String False

A description of the role.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The time the record was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The time the record was last updated.

ConfigurationChatAccess Boolean False

Boolean value that checks whether or not the agent has access to Chat.

ConfigurationEndUserProfileAccess String False

What the agent can do with end-user profiles. Allowed values are edit, edit-within-org, full, readonly.

ConfigurationForumAccess String False

The kind of access the agent has to Guide. Allowed values are edit-topics, full, readonly.

ConfigurationForumAccessRestrictedContent Boolean False

Configuration Forum Access Restricted Content.

ConfigurationMacroAccess String False

What the agent can do with macros. Allowed values are full, manage-group, manage-personal, readonly.

ConfigurationManageBusinessRules Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage schedules and view rules analysis.

ConfigurationManageDynamicContent Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can access dynamic content.

ConfigurationManageExtensionsAndChannels Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can manage channels and extensions.

ConfigurationManageFacebook Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can manage facebook pages.

ConfigurationOrganizationEditing Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can add or modify organizations.

ConfigurationReportAccess String False

What the agent can do with reports. Allowed values are full, none, readonly.

ConfigurationTicketAccess String False

What kind of tickets the agent can access. Allowed values are all, assigned-only, within-groups, within-groups-and-public-groups, within-organization.

ConfigurationTicketCommentAccess String False

What kind of tickets the agent can access. Allowed values are all, assigned-only, within-groups, within-groups-and-public-groups, within-organization.

ConfigurationTicketDeletion Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can delete tickets.

ConfigurationTicketMerge Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can merge tickets.

ConfigurationTicketTagEditing Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can edit ticket tags.

ConfigurationTwitterSearchAccess Boolean False

Configuration Twitter Search Access.

ConfigurationViewAccess String False

What the agent can do with views. Allowed values are full, manage-group, manage-personal, playonly, readonly.

ConfigurationUserViewAccess String False

What the agent can do with customer lists. Allowed values are full, manage-group, manage-personal, none, readonly.

ConfigurationAssignTicketsToAnyGroup Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can assign tickets to any group.

ConfigurationCustomObjects String False

A list of custom object keys mapped to JSON objects that define the agent's permissions (scopes) for each object. Allowed values: are read, update, delete, create. The read permission is required if any other scopes are specified.

ConfigurationEndUserListAccess String False

Whether or not the agent can view lists of user profiles. Allowed values are full, none.

ConfigurationExploreAccess String False

Allowed values are edit, full, none, readonly.

ConfigurationGroupAccess Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can add or modify groups.

ConfigurationLightAgent Boolean False

Configuration Light Agent.

ConfigurationManageAutomations Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage automations.

ConfigurationManageContextualWorkspaces Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can view, add, and edit contextual workspaces.

ConfigurationManageGroupMemberships Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage group memberships.

ConfigurationManageGroups Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and modify groups.

ConfigurationManageOrganizationFields Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage organization fields.

ConfigurationManageOrganizations Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and modify organizations.

ConfigurationManageRoles String False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage custom roles with the exception of the role they're currently assigned. Doesn't allow agents to update role assignments for other agents. Allowed values are all-except-self, none.

ConfigurationManageSkills Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage skills.

ConfigurationManageSlas Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage SLAs.

ConfigurationManageSuspendedTickets Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can manage suspended tickets.

ConfigurationManageTeamMembers String False

Whether or not the agent can manage team members. Allows agents to update role assignments for other agents. Allowed values are all-with-self-restriction, readonly, none.

ConfigurationManageTicketFields Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage ticket fields.

ConfigurationManageTicketForms Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage ticket forms.

ConfigurationManageTriggers Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage triggers.

ConfigurationManageUserFields Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can create and manage user fields.

ConfigurationModerateForums Boolean False

Configuration Moderate Forums.

ConfigurationOrganizationNotesEditing Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can add or modify organization notes.

ConfigurationSideConversationCreate Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can contribute to side conversations.

ConfigurationTicketEditing Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can edit ticket properties.

ConfigurationTicketRedaction Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can redact content from tickets. Only applicable to tickets permitted by ticket_access.

ConfigurationViewDeletedTickets Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can view deleted tickets.

ConfigurationVoiceAccess Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can answer and place calls to end users.

ConfigurationVoiceDashboardAccess Boolean False

Whether or not the agent can view details about calls on the Talk dashboard.

RoleType Integer True

The user's role id. It is 0 for a custom agent.

TeamMemberCount Integer True

The number of team members assigned to this role.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963