Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, delete, update, and query Custom Objects in Zendesk.


The CustomObjects table supports the ObjectName column in the WHERE clause. This table supports the following operator: '='. For example:

SELECT * FROM CustomObjects WHERE ObjectName = 'house'


You can insert any field into the CustomObjects table that is not read-only. To insert Properties details for a custom object, use the #TEMP table to insert the fields of the property. The fields of the Property are present in the CustomObjectField view. For Example:

INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Type, Description, Required) VALUES ('NumOfRooms', 'integer', 'The number of rooms.', true)
INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Type, Description, Required) VALUES ('NumOfBaths', 'integer', 'The number of baths.', true)
INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Type, Description, Required) VALUES ('Balcony', 'boolean', 'Whether or not balcony is there.', true)
INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Type, Description) VALUES ('PropertyAge', 'string', 'Old or new construction.')
INSERT INTO CustomObjects (ObjectName, Properties) VALUES ('house', CustomObjectField#TEMP)


You can update only Properties column in the CustomObjects Table. To update the properties details for a custom object, Use the #TEMP table to insert the fields of the property. The fields of the Property is present in CustomObjectField view.

INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Type, Description, Required) VALUES ('CarParking', 'string', 'Whether or not car parking is available', true)");
INSERT INTO CustomObjectField#TEMP (FieldName, Required) VALUES ('balcony', false)");
UPDATE CustomObjects SET Properties = 'CustomObjectField#TEMP' WHERE ObjectName = 'house'");


To delete a Custom Object, the ObjectName is required.

DELETE FROM CustomObjects WHERE ObjectName = 'house'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ObjectName [KEY] String False

A user-defined unique identifier. Writable on create only.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The time the object type was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The time of the last update of the object type.

Version String False

The version of this schema.

Properties String False

A description of the object record, up to a maximum of 32 KB.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963