Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Query and update Account Settings in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The connector executes all filters on this table client side.


All fields that are not readonly (readonly="false" in the table) can be updated. Allowed for admins. For example:

UPDATE AccountSettings SET ActiveFeaturesCustomerSatisfaction = true


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
BrandingHeaderColor String False

HEX of the header color.

BrandingPageBackgroundColor String True

HEX of the page background color.

BrandingTabBackgroundColor String True

HEX of tab background color.

BrandingTextColor String True

HEX of the text color, usually matched to contrast well with header_color.

BrandingHeaderLogoUrl String True

The URL for the custom header logo.

BrandingFaviconUrl String True

The URL for the custom favicon.

AppsUse Boolean True

The account can use apps.

AppsCreatePrivate Boolean True

The account can create private apps.

TicketsCommentsPublicByDefault Boolean True

Comments from agents are public by default.

TicketsIsFirstCommentPrivateEnabled Boolean True

Allow first comment on tickets to be private.

TicketsListNewestCommentsFirst Boolean True

When viewing a ticket, show the newest comments and events first.

TicketsCollaboration Boolean True

CCs may be added to a ticket.

TicketsPrivateAttachments Boolean True

Users must login to access attachments.

TicketsEmailAttachments Boolean True

Attachments should be sent as real attachments when under the size limit.

TicketsAgentCollision Boolean True

Clients should provide an indicator when a ticket is being viewed by another agent.

TicketsMaximumPersonalViewsToList Integer True

Maximum number of personal Views clients should display in menus.

TicketsTagging Boolean True

Tickets may be tagged.

TicketsMarkdownTicketComments Boolean True

Whether agent comments should be processed with Markdown.

TicketsEmojiAutocompletion Boolean True

Whether agent comments should allow for Emoji rendering.

TicketsAgentTicketDeletion Boolean False

Whether agents can delete tickets.

ChatEnabled Boolean True

Chat is enabled.

ChatMaximumRequests Integer True

The maximum number of chat requests an agent may handle at one time.

ChatWelcomeMessage String True

The message automatically sent to end-users when they begin chatting with an agent.

TwitterShortenUrl String True

Possible values: always, optional, never.

GSuiteHasGoogleApps Boolean True

Whether has google apps.

GSuiteHasGoogleAppsAdmin Boolean False

Account has at least one G Suite admin.

VoiceEnabled Boolean True

Whether Voice is enabled.

VoiceMaintenance Boolean True


VoiceLogging Boolean True


VoiceOutboundEnabled Boolean True


VoiceAgentConfirmationWhenForwarding Boolean True


VoiceAgentWrapUpAfterCalls Boolean True


VoiceMaximumQueueSize Integer True


VoiceMaximumQueueWaitTime Integer True


VoiceOnlyDuringBusinessHours Boolean True


VoiceRecordingsPublic Boolean True


VocieUkMobileForwarding Boolean True


UsersTagging Boolean True

Users may be tagged.

UsersTimeZoneSelection Boolean True

Whether user can view time zone for profile.

UsersLanguageSelection Boolean True

Whether to display language drop down for a user.

UsersAgentCreatedWelcomeEmails Boolean True

Whether a user created by an agent receives a welcome email.

UsersEndUserPhoneNumberValidation Boolean False

Whether a user's phone number is validated.

GooddataAdvancedAnalytics_Enabled Boolean True

GoodData Advanced Analytics is enabled.

BrandsDefaultBrandId Long False

The id of the brand that is assigned to tickets by default.

BrandsRequireBrandOnNewTickets Boolean True

Require agents to select a brand before saving tickets.

StatisticsForum Boolean True

Allow users to view forum statistics.

StatisticsSearch Boolean True

Allow users to view search statistics.

BillingBackend String True

Backend Billing system either internal or zuora.

ActiveFeaturesOnHoldStatus Boolean True

Account can use status hold.

ActiveFeaturesUserTagging Boolean True

Enable user tags.

ActiveFeaturesTicketTagging Boolean True

Allow tagging tickets.

ActiveFeaturesTopicSuggestion Boolean True

Allow topic suggestions in tickets.

ActiveFeaturesVoice Boolean True

Voice support.

ActiveFeaturesFacebookLogin Boolean True

Facebook login.

ActiveFeaturesGoogleLogin Boolean True

Google login.

ActiveFeaturesTwitterLogin Boolean True

Twitter login.

ActiveFeaturesForumAnalytics Boolean True

Forum and search analytics.

ActiveFeaturesBusinessHours Boolean False

Business hours.

ActiveFeaturesAgentForwarding Boolean True

Agent forwarding.

ActiveFeaturesChat Boolean True


ActiveFeaturesChatAboutMyTicket Boolean True

Chat about my ticket.

ActiveFeaturesCustomerSatisfaction Boolean False

Customer satisfaction.

ActiveFeaturesSatisfactionPrediction Boolean False

Satisfaction Prediction.

ActiveFeaturesCsatReasonCode Boolean True

Csat reason code.

ActiveFeaturesScreencasts Boolean True


ActiveFeaturesMarkdown Boolean True

Markdown in ticket comments.

ActiveFeaturesLanguageDetection Boolean True

Language detection.

ActiveFeaturesBccArchiving Boolean True

Account has a bcc_archive_address set.

ActiveFeaturesAllowCcs Boolean True

Allow ccs.

ActiveFeaturesAdvancedAnalytics Boolean True

Advanced analytics.

ActiveFeaturesInsights Boolean True


ActiveFeaturesSandbox Boolean True

Account has a sandbox.

ActiveFeaturesSuspendedTicketNotification Boolean True

Suspended ticket notification.

ActiveFeaturesTwitter Boolean True

Account monitors at least one Twitter handle.

ActiveFeaturesFacebook Boolean True

Account is actively linked to at least one Facebook page.

ActiveFeaturesFeedbackTabs Boolean True

Feedback tab has been configured before.

ActiveFeaturesDynamicContents Boolean True

Account has at least one dynamic content.

ActiveFeaturesLightAgents Boolean True

Account has at least one light agent.

ActiveFeaturesTicketForms Boolean True

Ticket forms.

ActiveFeaturesUserOrgFields Boolean True

User org fields.

ActiveFeaturesIsAbusive Boolean True

Account exceeded trial limits.

ActiveFeaturesRichContentInEmails Boolean True

Account supports incoming HTML email.

ApiAcceptedApiAgreement Boolean False

Account has accepted the API agreement.

ApiPasswordAccess Boolean False

Allow the account to use the API with username/password.

ApiTokenAccess Boolean False

Allow the account to use the API with API tokens.

TicketFormsInstructions String False


RawTicketFormsInstructions String True


LotusPrefer Boolean True

Prefers the current version of Zendesk Support rather than Zendesk Classic.

RulesMacroMostUsed Boolean False

Display the most-used macros in the Apply macro list. Defaults to true.

RulesMacroOrder String False

Default macro display order. Possible values are alphabetical or position.

LimitsAttachmentSize Integer True

The maximum ticket attachment file size (in bytes).

MetricsAccountSize String True

An account size category computed from the number of billable agents.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963