JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111




CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP ビュー

Name Description
ApplicantApplication Return a list of: ApplicantApplication
ApplicantApplications Return a list of: ApplicantApplications
ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems Return a list of: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems
ApplicantInterviews Return a list of: ApplicantInterviews
ApplicantPreviousEmployers Return a list of: ApplicantPreviousEmployers
ApplicantReferences Return a list of: ApplicantReferences
ApplicantSchools Return a list of: ApplicantSchools
ApplicantSkills Return a list of: ApplicantSkills
ApplicantTests Return a list of: ApplicantTests
BackOfficeRole Return a list of: BackOfficeRole
Bank Return a list of: Bank
CashReceiptDistributions Return a list of: CashReceiptDistributions
ChangedCurrencyKey Return a list of: ChangedCurrencyKey
ChangedCustomerAddressKey Return a list of: ChangedCustomerAddressKey
ChangedCustomerKey Return a list of: ChangedCustomerKey
ChangedInternetAddressKey Return a list of: ChangedInternetAddressKey
ChangedItemKey Return a list of: ChangedItemKey
ChangedPriceLevelKey Return a list of: ChangedPriceLevelKey
ChangedPricingKey Return a list of: ChangedPricingKey
ChangedSalesInvoiceKey Return a list of: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey
ChangedSalesOrderKey Return a list of: ChangedSalesOrderKey
ChangedSalespersonKey Return a list of: ChangedSalespersonKey
ChangedUofMScheduleKey Return a list of: ChangedUofMScheduleKey
Company Return a list of: Company
CompanyAddress Return a list of: CompanyAddress
CountryRegionCode Return a list of: CountryRegionCode
Currency Return a list of: Currency
CurrencyAccess Return a list of: CurrencyAccess
CurrencyPostingAccount Return a list of: CurrencyPostingAccount
CustomerAddresses Return a list of: CustomerAddresses
CustomerReceivablesSummary Return a list of: CustomerReceivablesSummary
EmployeeAddresses Return a list of: EmployeeAddresses
GLAccount Return a list of: GLAccount
GLAccountCategory Return a list of: GLAccountCategory
GLAccountFormat Return a list of: GLAccountFormat
GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions Return a list of: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions
GLPostingAccountCurrencies Return a list of: GLPostingAccountCurrencies
GLTransactionLines Return a list of: GLTransactionLines
GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions Return a list of: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions
InventoriedItem Return a list of: InventoriedItem
InventoryAdjustmentLines Return a list of: InventoryAdjustmentLines
InventoryTransferLines Return a list of: InventoryTransferLines
InventoryVarianceLines Return a list of: InventoryVarianceLines
Item Return a list of: Item
ItemClass Return a list of: ItemClass
ManufacturingOrder Return a list of: ManufacturingOrder
ManufacturingOrderPickList Return a list of: ManufacturingOrderPickList
ManufacturingOrderRoute Return a list of: ManufacturingOrderRoute
MulticurrencySetup Return a list of: MulticurrencySetup
PayablesDocument Return a list of: PayablesDocument
PayablesDocumentDistributions The DynamicsGP table PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PayablesDocumentTaxes The DynamicsGP table PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PaymentCardType Return a list of: PaymentCardType
PaymentTerms Return a list of: PaymentTerms
PlannedOrder Return a list of: PlannedOrder
PlannedOrderItems Return a list of: PlannedOrderItems
PolicyBehaviors Return a list of: PolicyBehaviors
PriceLevel Return a list of: PriceLevel
PricingDetails Return a list of: PricingDetails
Project Return a list of: Project
ProjectAccounts Return a list of: ProjectAccounts
ProjectBillingCycles Return a list of: ProjectBillingCycles
ProjectBudget Return a list of: ProjectBudget
ProjectBudgets Return a list of: ProjectBudgets
ProjectChangeOrder Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrder
ProjectChangeOrderBudgets Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets
ProjectChangeOrderFees Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrderFees
ProjectContract Return a list of: ProjectContract
ProjectContractAccounts Return a list of: ProjectContractAccounts
ProjectContractBillingCycles Return a list of: ProjectContractBillingCycles
ProjectEmployeeExpense Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpense
ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions
ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines
ProjectEquipmentList Return a list of: ProjectEquipmentList
ProjectFees Return a list of: ProjectFees
ProjectMiscellaneousLog Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLog
ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions
ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines
ProjectTimesheet Return a list of: ProjectTimesheet
ProjectTimesheetDistributions Return a list of: ProjectTimesheetDistributions
ProjectTimesheetLines Return a list of: ProjectTimesheetLines
PurchaseInvoiceDistributions Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceDistributions
PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes
PurchaseInvoiceLines Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceLines
PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes
PurchaseInvoiceTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceTaxes
PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes
PurchaseOrderLines Return a list of: PurchaseOrderLines
PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes
PurchaseOrderTaxes Return a list of: PurchaseOrderTaxes
PurchaseReceiptDistributions Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptDistributions
PurchaseReceiptLines Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptLines
PurchaseReceiptUserDefined Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptUserDefined
ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions Return a list of: ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions
ReceivablesDocument Return a list of: ReceivablesDocument
ReceivablesDocumentDistributions The DynamicsGP table ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ReceivablesDocumentTaxes The DynamicsGP table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions Return a list of: ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions
ReceivablesReturnCommissions Return a list of: ReceivablesReturnCommissions
ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions Return a list of: ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines
SalesBackorderLines Return a list of: SalesBackorderLines
SalesBackorderPayments Return a list of: SalesBackorderPayments
SalesDocument Return a list of: SalesDocument
SalesDocumentCommissions The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentCommissions.
SalesDocumentFreightTaxes The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
SalesDocumentProcessHolds The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
SalesDocumentTaxes The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions
SalesFulfillmentOrderLines Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderLines
SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments
SalesInvoiceDistributions Return a list of: SalesInvoiceDistributions
SalesInvoiceLines Return a list of: SalesInvoiceLines
SalesInvoicePayments Return a list of: SalesInvoicePayments
SalesOrderLines Return a list of: SalesOrderLines
SalesOrderPayments Return a list of: SalesOrderPayments
Salesperson Return a list of: Salesperson
SalespersonCommissions Return a list of: SalespersonCommissions
SalespersonSalesHistory Return a list of: SalespersonSalesHistory
SalesQuoteLines Return a list of: SalesQuoteLines
SalesReturnDistributions Return a list of: SalesReturnDistributions
SalesReturnLines Return a list of: SalesReturnLines
SalesReturnPayments Return a list of: SalesReturnPayments
SalesTerritory Return a list of: SalesTerritory
SalesTerritorySalesHistory Return a list of: SalesTerritorySalesHistory
ServiceCallAdditionalCharges Return a list of: ServiceCallAdditionalCharges
ServiceCallEquipmentCodes Return a list of: ServiceCallEquipmentCodes
ServiceCallExpenses Return a list of: ServiceCallExpenses
ServiceCallLabor Return a list of: ServiceCallLabor
ServiceCallParts Return a list of: ServiceCallParts
ServiceEquipmentReadings Return a list of: ServiceEquipmentReadings
ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges Return a list of: ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges
ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes Return a list of: ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes
ServiceQuoteExpenses Return a list of: ServiceQuoteExpenses
ServiceQuoteLabor Return a list of: ServiceQuoteLabor
ServiceQuoteParts Return a list of: ServiceQuoteParts
ShippingMethod Return a list of: ShippingMethod
SkillSetSkills Return a list of: SkillSetSkills
UofMSchedule Return a list of: UofMSchedule
UofMScheduleDetails Return a list of: UofMScheduleDetails
UserAssignableBusinessObject Return a list of: UserAssignableBusinessObject
VendorAddresses Return a list of: VendorAddresses
VendorManufacturingOrder Return a list of: VendorManufacturingOrder
VendorManufacturingOrderRoute Return a list of: VendorManufacturingOrderRoute
VendorPlannedOrder Return a list of: VendorPlannedOrder
WarehouseBins Return a list of: WarehouseBins

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Build 24.0.9111