JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111


The DynamicsGP table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.


Name Type Description
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String The TaxesKeyTaxDetailId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String The TaxesKeyReceivablesDocumentId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AddressKeyCustomerId String The AddressKeyCustomerId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AddressId String The AddressId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String The AuditTrailCode column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime The BatchKeyCreatedDateTime column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchId String The BatchId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeySource String The BatchKeySource column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CorporateAccountId String The CorporateAccountId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CostAmountCurrency String The CostAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CostAmount Decimal The CostAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String The CurrencyKeyISOCode column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String The CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal The CurrentDocumentAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerId String The CustomerId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerName String The CustomerName column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String The CustomerPONumber column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Date Datetime The Date column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Description String The Description column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DistributionsReceivablesDistributionAggregate String The DistributionsReceivablesDistributionAggregate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmountCurrency String The DocumentAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmount Decimal The DocumentAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime The ExchangeDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal The ExchangeRate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String The FreightAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal The FreightAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String The FreightTaxScheduleId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime The GeneralLedgerPostingDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime The InvoicePaidOffDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsDeleted Boolean The IsDeleted column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsDirectDebitDocument Boolean The IsDirectDebitDocument column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsElectronic Boolean The IsElectronic column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean The IsIntrastatDocument column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean The IsVoided column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Id String The Id column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String The MiscellaneousAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal The MiscellaneousAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String The MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedBy String The ModifiedBy column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime The ModifiedDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedBy String The PostedBy column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedDate Datetime The PostedDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesAmountCurrency String The SalesAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesAmount Decimal The SalesAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTaxScheduleId String The SalesTaxScheduleId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String The SalesTerritoryId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalespersonId String The SalespersonId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String The ShippingMethodId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String The TaxAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal The TaxAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String The TaxScheduleId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency String The TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmount Decimal The TaxesFreightTaxAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountId String The TaxesGLAccountId column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean The TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String The TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal The TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesSalesTaxAmountCurrency String The TaxesSalesTaxAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesSalesTaxAmount Decimal The TaxesSalesTaxAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean The TaxesIsBackoutTax column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String The TaxesTaxAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal The TaxesTaxAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String The TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal The TaxesTaxableAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String The TaxesTotalAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal The TaxesTotalAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String The TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String The TradeDiscountAmountCurrency column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal The TradeDiscountAmount column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TransactionState String The TransactionState column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Type String The Type column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
VoidDate Datetime The VoidDate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String The ExtensionsExtensionAggregate column for the table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.

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Build 24.0.9111