Return a list of: SalesInvoiceLines
Name | Type | Description |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
Comment | String | |
CommentId | String | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerName | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | |
DocumentTypeId | String | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | |
IntegrationId | String | |
IntegrationSource | Int | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | |
IsVoided | Bool | |
Id | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | |
MasterNumber | Int | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Note | String | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PriceLevelId | String | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | |
Reference | String | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | |
ShipToAddressState | String | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | |
ShipToAddressName | String | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
ShipToAddressId | String | |
ShippingMethodId | String | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TaxesAggregate | String | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | |
TransactionState | String | |
Type | String | |
UPSZone | String | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | |
WarehouseId | String | |
DepositAmountCurrency | String | |
DepositAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
IsDirectDebit | Bool | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesComment | String | |
LinesCommentId | String | |
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId | String | |
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesDamagedGLAccountId | String | |
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
LinesDiscountItem | String | |
LinesDiscountGLAccountId | String | |
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
LinesExtendedCost | Decimal | |
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | |
LinesInServiceGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesInUseGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesIntegrationId | String | |
LinesIntegrationSource | Int | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesIsDropShip | Bool | |
LinesIsNonInventory | Bool | |
LinesItemDescription | String | |
LinesItemId | String | |
LinesItemTaxScheduleId | String | |
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] | String | |
LinesPriceLevelId | String | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesRequestedShipDate | Datetime | |
LinesReturnsGLAccountId | String | |
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesSalesGLAccountId | String | |
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesSalesTerritoryId | String | |
LinesSalespersonId | String | |
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesShipToAddressCity | String | |
LinesShipToAddressLine1 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressLine2 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressLine3 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode | String | |
LinesShipToAddressState | String | |
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | |
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | |
LinesShipToAddressFax | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | |
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 | String | |
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | |
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson | String | |
LinesShipToAddressName | String | |
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
LinesShipToAddressId | String | |
LinesShippingMethodId | String | |
LinesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTaxBasis | String | |
LinesTaxScheduleId | String | |
LinesTaxesAggregate | String | |
LinesTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalAmount | Decimal | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesUnitPriceCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitPrice | Decimal | |
LinesUofM | String | |
LinesWarehouseId | String | |
LinesActualShipDate | Datetime | |
LinesBillingQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesBinsAggregate | String | |
LinesComponentsAggregate | String | |
LinesFulfillDate | Datetime | |
LinesLotsAggregate | String | |
LinesQuantityAllocated | Decimal | |
LinesQuantityCanceled | Decimal | |
LinesQuantityFulfilled | Decimal | |
LinesQuantityToBackorder | Decimal | |
LinesSerialsAggregate | String | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | |
WorkflowPriority | String | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String |
Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PagingColumn | String |