JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111


The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentTaxes.


Name Type Description
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String The TaxesKeyTaxDetailId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 The TaxesKeySequenceNumber column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String The TaxesKeySalesDocumentId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ActualShipDate Datetime The ActualShipDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String The AuditTrailCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BackorderDate Datetime The BackorderDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime The BatchKeyCreatedDateTime column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchId String The BatchId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeySource String The BatchKeySource column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String The BillToAddressKeyCustomerId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
BillToAddressId String The BillToAddressId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Comment String The Comment column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommentId String The CommentId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionAmountCurrency String The CommissionAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionAmount Decimal The CommissionAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionBasedOn String The CommissionBasedOn column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String The CommissionSaleAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal The CommissionSaleAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String The CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CreatedBy String The CreatedBy column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CreatedDate Datetime The CreatedDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String The CurrencyKeyISOCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerId String The CustomerId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerName String The CustomerName column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String The CustomerPONumber column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Date Datetime The Date column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
DiscountAmountCurrency String The DiscountAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
DiscountAmount Decimal The DiscountAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentTypeId String The DocumentTypeId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentTypeKeyType String The DocumentTypeKeyType column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime The ExchangeDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal The ExchangeRate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String The FreightAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal The FreightAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String The FreightTaxAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal The FreightTaxAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxBasis String The FreightTaxBasis column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String The FreightTaxScheduleId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String The FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String The FrontOfficeIntegrationId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
FulfillDate Datetime The FulfillDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
IntegrationId String The IntegrationId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
IntegrationSource Int32 The IntegrationSource column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
InvoiceDate Datetime The InvoiceDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean The IsIntrastatDocument column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean The IsVoided column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Id String The Id column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
LastModifiedDate Datetime The LastModifiedDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String The LineTotalAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
LineTotalAmount Decimal The LineTotalAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MasterNumber Int32 The MasterNumber column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String The MiscellaneousAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal The MiscellaneousAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String The MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal The MiscellaneousTaxAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String The MiscellaneousTaxBasis column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String The MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String The MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime The ModifiedDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Note String The Note column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String The OriginalSalesDocumentId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String The OriginalSalesDocumentType column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
PaymentTermsId String The PaymentTermsId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
PriceLevelId String The PriceLevelId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String The ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
QuoteDate Datetime The QuoteDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Reference String The Reference column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
RequestedShipDate Datetime The RequestedShipDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ReturnDate Datetime The ReturnDate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String The SalesTerritoryId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalespersonId String The SalespersonId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean The ShipCompleteOnly column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String The ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCity String The ShipToAddressCity column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine1 String The ShipToAddressLine1 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine2 String The ShipToAddressLine2 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine3 String The ShipToAddressLine3 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String The ShipToAddressPostalCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressState String The ShipToAddressState column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String The ShipToAddressCountryRegion column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String The ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String The ShipToAddressFaxExtension column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFax String The ShipToAddressFax column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String The ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String The ShipToAddressPhone1Extension column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String The ShipToAddressPhone1 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String The ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String The ShipToAddressPhone2Extension column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String The ShipToAddressPhone2 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String The ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String The ShipToAddressPhone3Extension column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String The ShipToAddressPhone3 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String The ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String The ShipToAddressContactPerson column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressName String The ShipToAddressName column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String The ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressId String The ShipToAddressId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String The ShippingMethodId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String The TaxAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal The TaxAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber1 String The TaxExemptNumber1 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber2 String The TaxExemptNumber2 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxRegistrationNumber String The TaxRegistrationNumber column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String The TaxScheduleId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountId String The TaxesGLAccountId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean The TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsTaxableTax Boolean The TaxesIsTaxableTax column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String The TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal The TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean The TaxesIsBackoutTax column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String The TaxesTaxAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal The TaxesTaxAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String The TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal The TaxesTaxableAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String The TaxesTotalAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal The TaxesTotalAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String The TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TotalAmountCurrency String The TotalAmountCurrency column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TotalAmount Decimal The TotalAmount column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String The TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountItem String The TradeDiscountItem column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
TransactionState String The TransactionState column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
Type String The Type column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UPSZone String The UPSZone column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime The UserDefinedDate01 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime The UserDefinedDate02 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList01 String The UserDefinedList01 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList02 String The UserDefinedList02 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList03 String The UserDefinedList03 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText01 String The UserDefinedText01 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText02 String The UserDefinedText02 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText03 String The UserDefinedText03 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText04 String The UserDefinedText04 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText05 String The UserDefinedText05 column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
WarehouseId String The WarehouseId column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String The ExtensionsExtensionAggregate column for the table SalesDocumentTaxes.

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Build 24.0.9111