Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963




CData Power BI Connector for MYOB ビュー

Name Description
AccountBudgetItems Return general ledger account budget items
AccountRegister Returns general ledger account activity.
BalanceSheetSummaryReport Returns a Balance Sheet Summary.
BankAccounts Return the bank accounts for an AccountRight company file.
BankingTransactions Return a list of bank statement transactions for an AccountRight company file.
BuildLineItems Build Lines
Categories Return categories for cost center tracking
CategoryRegisters Return transactions grouped with categories
CompanyFiles Returns a list of company files.
CompanyPreferences Returns company data file preferences for an AccountRight company file.
ContactAddressItems Contact address items.
CreditSettlementItems Credit settlement items.
Currencies View currencies within an Accountright Live company file.
CustomerPaymentInvoices Customer payment items for an AccountRight company file.
DebitSettlementItems Debit settlement items.
EmployeeBankAccountItems Employee bank account items.
EmployeePayrollAdviceReport Return a pay advice report showing employee paycheque details for an AccountRight company file.
EmployeePayrollCategoryItems Employee payroll category items.
EmployeePayrollDeductionItems Employee payroll deduction items.
EmployeePayrollEntitlementItems Employee payroll entitlement items.
EmployeePayrollExpenseItems Employee payroll expense items.
EmployeePayrollWageCategoryItems Employee wage category items.
InventoryAdjustmentItems Inventory adjustment items for an AccountRight company file.
ItemLocations Return an inventoried item location information
ItemSellingPrices Return the item price matrix for multiple customer selling prices.
JobBudgetItems Job budget items.
JournalItems Journal line items.
JournalTransactionHistory Returns a list of Journals and their history for all transaction types
JournalTransactionHistoryLineItems Journal Transaction History Items
JournalTransactionItems Usage information for the operation JournalTransactionItems.rsd.
JournalTransactions Usage information for the operation JournalTransactions.rsd.
Locations Return an inventoried item location information.
NZGSTReport Returns a GST report for New Zealand AccountRight files.
PayrollCategories Returns generic information on all payroll category types for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollCategorySummaryReport Returns a Payroll Category Summary report for an AccountRight file.
PayrollDeductions Return payroll categories of type deduction for an AccountRight company file
PayrollEntitlements Return payroll categories of type entitlement for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollExpenses Return payroll categories of type expense for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollSuperannuations Return payroll categories of type superannuation for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollTaxes Return payroll categories of type tax for an AccountRight company file.
PayrollTaxTables Return payroll tax tables loaded into an AccountRight company file.
ProfitAndLossSummaryReport Returns a Profit and Loss Summary for an AccountRight file.
ProfitLossDistributions Returns the Profit and Loss Distribution of an AccountRight company file.
PurchaseBillItems Return all purchase bill types for an AccountRight company file.
PurchaseOrderItems Return all purchase order types for an AccountRight company file.
ReceivingTransactionItems Receive money transactions for an AccountRight company file.
SaleInvoiceItems Return all sale invoice types for an AccountRight company file.
SaleOrderItems Returns all sale order types for an AccountRight company file.
SaleQuoteItems Return all sale quote types for an AccountRight company file.
SpendingTransactionItems Spend money transaction items for an AccountRight company file.
SuperannuationFunds Superannuation fund details for an AccountRight company file.
SupplierPaymentItems Supplier payment items for an AccountRight company file.
TaxCodeSummaryReport Returns a Tax Code Summary Report for AccountRight files.
TransactionCodingSummaryReport Returns a report of the total number of coded and uncoded transactions in an AccountRight file.

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Build 24.0.8963