Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


Return a pay advice report showing employee paycheque details for an AccountRight company file.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will process all filters client side.


Name Type Description
AnnualSalary Decimal Annual salary amount for the employee (at the time of the API call).
ChequeNumber String Cheque number or reference type.
DateOfBirth Datetime Employees date of birth.
EmployerABNOrTFN String ABN or TFN as entered within the Company Information window or Company endpoint.
EmployerCompanyName String Company name as entered within the Company Information window or Company endpoint.
EmployerURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the company file.
GrossPay Decimal Gross Wages for pay period (total amount of money before deductions) for the employee.
HourlyRate Decimal Employee's hourly rate.
NetPay Decimal Net Wages for pay period (total amount of money after deductions) for the employee.
PayFrequency String Pay frequency can consist of the following: Weekly, Fortnightly, TwiceAMonth, Monthly.
PayPeriodEndDate Datetime Finishing date of the pay period.
PayPeriodStartDate Datetime Starting date of the pay period.
PaymentDate Datetime Date when the paycheque was processed and paid,.
SuperannuationFundID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the superannuation fund.
SuperannuationFundName String Name of the superannuation fund.
SuperannuationFundURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the superannuation fund.
EmployeeID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned employee contact.
EmployeeDisplayID String Customer contact Card ID, can also be used as a unique employee contact identifier.
EmployeeName String Name of the employee contact.
EmployeeURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the employee contact object.
Amount Decimal Amount processed for payroll category i.e. $ amounts for Wages, Superannuation, Deductions and Hours for entitlements.
PayrollCategoryID Uuid Unique category identifier in the form of a guid.
PayrollCategoryName String Name of the category.
PayrollCategoryType String Indicates the type of payroll category i.e. Wage, Deduction, Expense, Tax.
PayrollCategoryURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object.
Hours Integer Number of hours paid on hourly payroll category or accrued for entitlements. Note: If payroll category is of type salary then null is returned.
CalculationRate Decimal The rate an hourly wage category is calculated,Note: If wage is of type salary then null is returned.
YearToDate Decimal YTD amounts accrued this payroll year based upon pays recorded.
CompanyFileId String The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property.

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Build 24.0.8963