Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


Returns the Profit and Loss Distribution of an AccountRight company file.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will process all filters client side.


Name Type Description
Entity String Entity of the Profit and Loss Distribution.
HeaderAccountID Uuid Unique identifier for the header account in the form of a guid.
HeaderAccountDisplayID String Header Account code. Format includes separator ie 4-1100
HeaderAccountName String Name of the header account.
HeaderAccountURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the header account object.
RetainedEarningsAccountID Uuid Unique identifier for the retained earnings account in the form of a guid.
RetainedEarningsAccountDisplayID String Retained Earnings Account code. Format includes separator ie 4-1100
RetainedEarningsAccountName String Name of the retained earnings account.
RetainedEarningsAccountURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the retained earnings account object.
CurrentEarningsAccountID Uuid Unique identifier for the current earnings account in the form of a guid.
CurrentEarningsAccountDisplayID String Current Earnings Account code. Format includes separator ie 4-1100
CurrentEarningsAccountName String Name of the current earnings account.
CurrentEarningsAccountURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the current earnings account object.
Value Double Value to be allocated to the account.
Unit String Unit that the Value is measured in.
RowVersion String Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.
CompanyFileId String The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property.

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Build 24.0.8963