Power BI Connector for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


Inventory adjustment items for an AccountRight company file.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will process all filters client side.


Name Type Description
AdjustmentID Uuid Unique identifier in the form of a guid.
Amount Double Dollar amount assigned to the item.
Quantity Double The quantity of items to be adjusted.
UnitCost Double Unit cost assigned to the item/items.
RowID Integer Sequence of the entry within the inventory journal set.
Memo String Memo text describing the transaction line.
RowVersion String RowVersion. Required during update to identify the line item.
ItemID Uuid Unique item identifier in the form of a guid.
ItemName String Name assigned to the item.
ItemNumber String Number assigned to the item.
ItemURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the item object.
AccountID Uuid Unique identifier for the account in the form of a guid.
AccountDisplayID String Account code. Format includes separator ie 4-1100
AccountName String Name of the account.
AccountURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the account object.
JobID Uuid Unique job identifier in the form of a guid.
JobName String Name assigned to the job.
JobNumber String Number assigned to the job.
JobURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the job object.
LocationID Uuid Unique identifier for the location in the form of a guid.
LocationIdentifier String Identifier assigned to the location.
LocationName String Name of the location.
LocationURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the location object.
CompanyFileId String The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property.

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Build 24.0.8963