ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views

Name Description
B2bApplicationPartners The B2B Application Partners resource gets the details of the cross reference parties (entities) involved in business-to-business message processing. Within Oracle Fusion applications, there are different entities such as customer, supplier, and so on, but they all represent application partners from a business-to-business point of view.
B2bApplicationPartnersdocuments The Application Partner Documents resource gets all the documents associated with the application partner that cross reference between fusion applications and trading partners for business-to-business message processing.
B2bMessageTransactions The B2B Message Transactions resource manages business-to-business messages processed from Oracle Fusion applications to trading partners and from trading partners to fusion application using Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework.
B2bMessageTransactionsdeliveryAttempts The Delivery Attempts resource gets the failed or error status message transactions reprocessed in Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework. If the delivery attempt fails, the message information includes the error subtype and description.
B2bMessageTransactionsreceiptConfirmations The Message Confirmations resource gets the confirm business object document received from the trading partner when the outbound message is set up for the confirm business object document in Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework.
B2bTradingPartners The B2B Trading Partners resource gets the details of the external parties (entities) involved in business-to-business message processing. Within Oracle Fusion applications, there are different entities such as customer, supplier, and so on, but they all represent trading partners from a business-to-business point of view.
B2bTradingPartnersb2bServiceProviders The B2B Service Providers resource gets the relevant details of external parties that provide service to trading partners for message processing. This is a reference to the independent root resource B2B service providers.
B2bTradingPartnersconfirmationCodes The Confirmation Codes resource gets the status mapping between trading partner and Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud required in message processing.
B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods The Delivery Methods resource gets the details of mode of communication between Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud and trading partners.
B2bTradingPartnersdocuments The Trading Partner Documents resource gets all the documents associated with the trading partner that are exchanged for business-to-business message processing.
B2bTradingPartnersdocumentsmessageProcessingRules The Message Processing Rules resource gets all the rules associated with the trading partner that are implemented while processing a message.
B2bTradingPartnersinboundCollaborationMessages The Inbound Collaboration Messages resource gets the details of all the inbound messages that a trading partner sends to Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud.
B2bTradingPartnersinboundCollaborationMessagesdomainValueMaps The Domain Value Maps resource gets all the mappings associated with the trading partner that are implemented while processing a message.
B2bTradingPartnersinboundCollaborationMessagesmessageProcessingRules The Message Processing Rules resource gets all the rules associated with the trading partner that are implemented while processing a message.
B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages The Outbound Collaboration Messages resource gets the details of all the outbound messages that a trading partner receives from Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud.
B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessagesdomainValueMaps The Domain Value Maps resource gets all the mappings associated with the trading partner that are implemented while processing a message.
B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessagesmessageProcessingRules The Message Processing Rules resource gets all the rules associated with the trading partner that are implemented while processing a message.
Carriers The Carriers resource manages the carriers that fulfillment can use during shipping. Carriers model the shipping methods which can be used, as well as optional contacts and inbound tracking rules.
Carrierscontacts The Contacts resource manages the contact information for a carrier.
CarriersDFF The Flexfields for Carriers resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the carrier.
CarriersinboundTrackingRules The Inbound Tracking Rules resource manages the web service which allows a shipment to be tracked when the carrier is used.
CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations The Inbound Tracking Rule Organization Associations resource manages the inventory organizations that may use the inbound tracking rule.
CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters The Inbound Tracking Rule Parameters resource manages the unique parameter information required by the web service to track a shipment.
CarriersshippingMethods The Shipping Methods resource manages the service level and method of transport that form a shipping method for a carrier.
CarriersshippingMethodsDFF The Flexfields for Shipping Methods resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the shipping method.
CarriersshippingMethodsorganizationAssociations The Shipping Method Organization Associations resource manages the inventory organizations that may use the shipping method.
Finders Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view.
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsCharacterValues_Id} Get Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues_Id} Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues FlexFndPvsCharacterValues
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues
InventoryOrganizations The Inventory Organizations resource manages subsets of organizations or types of organizations. A logistic, manufacturing, or asset management application can use this resource to find inventory organizations. When creating or updating an Item Organization, only the Starting Revision and Master Item Organization attributes are applicable as child resource attributes. Item Organizations are a lighter weight representation of an organization. All other attributes are specific to Inventory Organizations.
InventoryOrganizationsinvOrgParameters The Parameters resource manages the default values for the warehouse transaction or inventory transaction for each inventory organization.
InventoryOrganizationsinvOrgParametersorganizationParameterDFF The Flexfields for Organization Parameters resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the inventory organization.
InventoryOrganizationsplantParameters The Plant Parameters resource manages the plant default values for each manufacturing organization or maintenance organization.
ItemUnitOfMeasureConversions The Item Unit of Measure Conversions resource retrieves conversion data that may be used to report on transaction lines and convert transaction quantities to the primary unit of measure of the item.
PackagingStrings The Packaging Strings resource manages the packaging strings that are associated with one or more items for use during transactions.
ScheduleExceptions The Schedule Exceptions resource defines a global change to the working time that you assign to one or more schedules. For example, a holiday. When assigned to a schedule, the exception updates the working time for any business objects using the associated schedule.
Schedules The Schedules resource defines a schedule of working time assigned to one or more business objects.
SchedulesscheduleExceptionAssociations The Schedule Exception Associations resource is used to assign one or more schedule exceptions to the schedule.
SchedulesscheduleWorkdayPatterns The Schedule Workday Patterns resource is used to assign one or more workday patterns to the schedule.
Shifts The Shifts resource gets the values for the working time for any business object using the associated schedule. Shifts repeat in Workday Patterns that repeat as part of a Schedule definition. Business objects that reference Schedule use the Shift definition to know which days and times are the working and non-working periods.
ShiftsshiftDetails The Shift Details resource gets the collection of time segments that decompose the working time of the Shift. Only Time shifts that are of type Flexible or Punch have shift details.
StandardLookupsLOV The standard lookups list of values resource is used to query the list of values of standard lookups, which list the available codes and translated meanings. Standard lookups are defined in the standard lookups view and store lookup codes that support reference data sharing.
UnitOfMeasureClasses The Unit of Measure Classes resource gets the classes that organize units of measure.
UnitOfMeasureClassesDFF The Flexfields for Unit of Measure Classes resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the unit of measure class.
UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions The Unit of Measure Interclass Conversions resource gets the interclass conversion rate for an item between two unit of measure classes.
UnitsOfMeasure The Units of Measure resource gets the units of measure that an application, system, or service can use with the transaction.
UnitsOfMeasureDFF The Flexfields for Units of Measure resource manages the descriptive flexfields for the unit of measure.
UnitsOfMeasureintraclassConversions The Unit of Measure Intraclass Conversions resource gets the intraclass conversion rate for an item between a unit of measure and the base unit in the same class. The intraclass conversion supersedes the standard conversion rate.
WorkdayPatterns The Workday Patterns resource defines how to apply one or more shifts to define the working time for any business object using the associated schedule. Workday patterns have length in days, and have associated shifts that detail what days are active within a pattern. Patterns repeat as part of a schedule definition from the schedule start date to the schedule end date, resulting in the shifts forming repeated patterns within the schedule.
WorkdayPatternsworkdayPatternShifts The Pattern Shifts resource gets the collection of shifts that you assign to a pattern.

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Build 24.0.9111