ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Delivery Methods resource gets the details of mode of communication between Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud and trading partners.


Name Type Description
B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId [KEY] Long B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods
DeliveryMethodId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the delivery method. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a delivery method record. This attribute is required.
DeliveryMethodName String Name of the delivery method. This attribute is required.
DeliveryMethodType String Value that identifies the type of delivery method. Valid values include One-Way Web Service or Request-Response Web Service.
Service String Value that identifies the external service of the delivery method.
B2bRoutingFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the messages to the service provider are routed through the internal B2B gateway. If false, then the messages to the service provider are not routed through the internal B2B gateway. The default value is false.
SecurityPolicy String Value that indicates the security policy used with the delivery method.
UcmExportDocumentAccount String Value that specifies the location from where files are picked for outbound process.
RecipientEmailId String Value that uniquely identifies the email to which the outbound message is sent.
AttachXmlFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the transformed payload is sent along with the email as attachment. If false, then the transformed payload is not sent along with the email as attachment. The default value is false.
ServiceUri String Value that specifies the service endpoint stored in topology manager.
CsfkeyUser String Value that stores the username in the credential store.
CsfkeyPassword String Value that stores the password in the credential store.
ServiceMeaning String Value that specifies the meaning of the service.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods
FileName String Value that identifies the file that is being delivered using SFTP.
RemoteDir String Value that identifies the directory where outbound messages are delivered using SFTP.
SftpHost String Value that identifies the host name for outbound message delivery using SFTP.
SftpPort String Value that identifies the port for outbound message delivery using SFTP.
FileExtension String Value that identifies the extension of the B2B message file. If no value is provided, then .ZIP is used.
BindServiceProviderId Long BindServiceProviderId of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods
Finder String Finder of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods
TradingPartnerId Long TradingPartnerId of B2bTradingPartnersdeliveryMethods

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Build 24.0.9111