ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides unit conversion details for items to facilitate accurate transaction reporting.


Name Type Description
ItemUOMConversionId Long Unique identifier for the unit of measure (UOM) conversion entry for an inventory item.
InventoryItemId Long Unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this unit of measure conversion.
InventoryItemNumber String Item number associated with the inventory item for which this UOM conversion is defined.
PrimaryUOMCode String Code representing the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item.
PrimaryUOMId Long Unique identifier for the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item.
PrimaryUOMName String Name of the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item.
TransactionUOMCode String Code representing the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies.
TransactionUOMId Long Unique identifier for the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies.
TransactionUOMName String Name of the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies.
ConversionRate Decimal Conversion factor defining how the transaction unit of measure relates to the primary unit of measure.
CreatedBy String Username or system entity that created this unit of measure conversion record.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when this unit of measure conversion record was initially created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when this unit of measure conversion record was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String Username or system entity that last modified this unit of measure conversion record.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175