Provides unit conversion details for items to facilitate accurate transaction reporting.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemUOMConversionId | Long | Unique identifier for the unit of measure (UOM) conversion entry for an inventory item. |
InventoryItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this unit of measure conversion. |
InventoryItemNumber | String | Item number associated with the inventory item for which this UOM conversion is defined. |
PrimaryUOMCode | String | Code representing the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item. |
PrimaryUOMId | Long | Unique identifier for the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item. |
PrimaryUOMName | String | Name of the primary unit of measure assigned to the inventory item. |
TransactionUOMCode | String | Code representing the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies. |
TransactionUOMId | Long | Unique identifier for the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies. |
TransactionUOMName | String | Name of the transaction unit of measure to which the conversion applies. |
ConversionRate | Decimal | Conversion factor defining how the transaction unit of measure relates to the primary unit of measure. |
CreatedBy | String | Username or system entity that created this unit of measure conversion record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this unit of measure conversion record was initially created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when this unit of measure conversion record was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Username or system entity that last modified this unit of measure conversion record. |