ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Links tracking rules to inventory organizations authorized to use them.


Name Type Description
CarriersCarrierId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this organization association to a specific carrier record.
InboundtrackingrulesTrackingRuleId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this organization association to a specific inbound tracking rule.
OrganizationCarrierTrackingId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the organization-specific carrier tracking configuration.
OrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the inventory organization assigned to a carrier shipping method. Either this attribute or OrganizationCode is required.
OrganizationCode String Short abbreviation or code uniquely identifying the inventory organization. Either this attribute or OrganizationId is required.
OrganizationName String Full name of the inventory organization associated with this tracking rule.
CreatedBy String Username or system entity that created the organization association record.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the organization association record was initially created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the organization association record was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String Username or system entity that last modified the organization association record.
ActiveFlag String Indicates whether this organization association is active. 'True' means active; 'False' means inactive.
CarrierId Long Unique identifier for the carrier associated with this organization tracking rule.
CarrierName String Name of the carrier associated with this organization tracking rule.
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve organization association records for carrier tracking rules.
ManifestingEnabledFlag String Indicates whether manifesting is enabled for this carrier. 'True' means manifesting is required; 'False' means it is not.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175