ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Workday の単純なSELECT 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにWorkday から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
CData Python Connector for Workday ストアドプロシージャ
Name | Description |
Authorizations | Check subjectId permissions against featureId for each target Id |
BeginHomeContactInformationChange | No description available. |
BeginJobChange | Initiates a job change request for a specific worker |
BeginOrganizationAssignmentChange | Retrieves a single organization assignment change event instance. |
BeginWorkContactInformationChange | No description available. |
CasesReopen | Updates an existing resolved case instance |
CreateMentorshipForMe | Creates a mentorship for the current processing worker where the user is also the mentee. |
CreateMentorshipForWorker | Creates a mentorship between two workers. |
CreateWQLSchema | Creates a custom schema file that executes a specific WQL query. |
DefinitionsActivate | No description available. |
ElectronicReportingRuns | The Electronic Reporting service enables applications to create information on electronic reporting of customer and supplier invoice documents. |
EventsCancel | Cancels a business process event. |
EventStepsApprove | Approves a business process event step. |
EventStepsDeny | Denies a business process event step. |
EventStepsQuestionnaire | Post an action for a Complete Questionnaire step in a business process. |
EventStepsSendBack | Sends back a business process event step. |
EventStepsToDo | Post an action for a To Do step in a business process. |
ExecuteSOAPOperation | Sends a request to directly invoke a SOAP operation. |
ExpenseEntriesAttachments | Creates new attachments for the existing expense entry. |
ExpenseReportsLines | Creates a collection of expense report lines. |
ExpenseReportsSubmit | No description available. |
GetOAuthAccessToken | Gets an authentication token from Workday. |
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL | Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL. |
HoldsOverrideHold | No description available. |
HoldsRemoveHold | No description available. |
ImmigrationEventsSubmit | Submits an immigration event. |
MentorshipsClose | Closes the mentorship. |
MentorshipsEdit | Edit the mentorship. |
Notifications | POST Inbound Notifications request. |
PhoneValidation | Validates phone number data to ensure it is valid for Workday. |
Programs | Creates a single benefit program instance. |
ProjectsEdit | Creates Project Edit Events and initiates the associated workflow to update the project. |
RefreshOAuthAccessToken | Exchanges a access token for a new access token. |
RequestsClose | Closes a request. |
RequisitionsCancel | Cancels an existing requisition. |
RequisitionsClose | Closes a specified completed requisition. |
RequisitionsRequisitionEvents | Submit Requisition to Business Process |
ResourcePlanLinesEdit | Creates a Resource Plan Line Edit event and initiates the Project Resource Plan Line business process. |
RunBudgetCheck | Creates a budget check for transactions. |
SendMessage | No description available. |
SendSupplierInvoiceAttachmentsForScanning | Sends supplier invoice attachments for scanning. |
StudentsApplyHold | Creates an Apply Student Hold Event. |
SubmitHomeContactInformationChange | Submit the specified contact change ID. |
SubmitJobChange | Submit the specified change job ID. |
SubmitOrganizationAssignmentChange | Submits the organization changes request for the specified ID, and initiates the Change Organization Assignment business process. |
SubmitWorkContactInformationChange | Submit the specified contact change ID. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsSubmit | Submits a single supplier invoice instance. |
ValidateWorktags | Validates worktags. |
WorkersOrganizationAssignmentChanges | Initiates an organization assignment change for a specific worker. |
WorkersRequestOneTimePayment | Request a one-time payment for a worker with the specified ID. |
WorkersRequestTimeOff | Creates a time off request for the specified worker ID and initiates the business process. |
WorkersTimeReviewEvents | Creates a Time Review Event or Time Review Events. |