CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Initiates a job change request for a specific worker

Workday Resource Information

Initiates a job change request for a specific worker
Call this method to start a new job change event, which returns a new job change ID. Use the new ID to reference the job change event in subsequent methods that update or get information about the same event.

The same Workday UI validations apply with this POST method. The updates in this POST method do not persist until you call POST /jobChanges/{ID}/submit.

In the request body, specify at least this required field: date, worker {id}, job {id}, reason {id}

To retrieve a worker ID, call the GET /values/jobChangesGroup/workers prompt endpoint with the effectiveDate query parameter. It returns HREF links to workers by category. You can filter the results by effectiveDate. By default, it returns workers on the current date. Only workers without blocking events or available for change job for the current user are returned.

To retrieve a job ID, call the GET /values/jobChangesGroup/jobs prompt endpoint with the worker query parameter. It returns all positions for the worker with current user access to do a job change. You can filter the results by effectiveDate. By default, it returns positions on the current date.

To retrieve a reason ID, call the GET /values/jobChangesGroup/reason prompt endpoint, which takes the job change ID as the staffingEvent query parameter. If you specify the staffingEvent parameter, it returns change job reasons for the staffingEvent, by the change job category. By default, it returns all change job categories and reasons.

To retrieve a supervisoryOrganization ID, call the GET /values/jobChangesGroup/supervisoryOrganization prompt endpoint, with proposedManager and effectiveDate query parameters. If you specify the proposedManager parameter, it returns HREF links to all supervisory organizations for that manager. If you specify effectiveDate, it filters the results by effective date. The default is the current date.

To retrieve a location ID, call the GET /values/jobChangesGroup/locations prompt endpoint, which takes the staffingEvent query parameter. It returns HREF links to locations by location categories for the specified location. You can filter the results by effectiveDate. By default, it returns locations on the current date.

Secured by: Change Job (REST Service)

Scope: Staffing


Name Type Description
Worker_Id String The ID of the worker to execute this process on.
Date Datetime The date this business process takes effect.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
Id String Id of the instance
Job_Id String wid / id / reference id
Location_Id String wid / id / reference id
Reason_Id String wid / id / reference id
SupervisoryOrganization_Id String wid / id / reference id
Template_Id String wid / id / reference id

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
JobChange_Id String The ID of the change process. Use this ID to update pending change data and submit the change.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111