CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Creates a mentorship between two workers.

Workday Resource Information

Functional Description
The Create Mentorship For Worker endpoint is used to create new mentorships for between two workers.

Example Use Cases
A manager can create a mentorship for their direct report, and have the ability to choose a mentor, mentor type, and provide a purpose.
An Admin can create a mentorship between a worker and a mentor.

Additional Information
The security follows the security policy of the Manage Mentorship business process.
The mentee, mentor, mentor type, purpose, and comment are specified in the body of the request.
If the business definition for Manage Mentorship has an approval step, then the mentorship is not created until the mentorship event is approved in Workday.

Secured by: Add a Mentor for Worker

Scope: Career and Development Planning, Worker Profile and Skills


Name Type Description
Comment String Returns the comment for the last event record done by the processing person, without security filtering. If no comment was entered, the result will be empty. This CRF is for Integration use only.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EndDate Datetime The proposed End date for the mentorship.
Id String Id of the instance
Mentee_Id String wid / id / reference id
MentorType_Id String wid / id / reference id
Mentor_Id String wid / id / reference id
Purpose String Returns the proposed purpose for the mentorship.
StartDate Datetime The proposed Start date for the mentorship.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Comment String Returns the comment for the last event record done by the processing person, without security filtering. If no comment was entered, the result will be empty. This CRF is for Integration use only.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EndDate Datetime The proposed End date for the mentorship.
Id String Id of the instance
Mentee_Descriptor String A description of the instance
Mentee_Href String A link to the instance
Mentee_Id String wid / id / reference id
MentorType_Descriptor String A description of the instance
MentorType_Href String A link to the instance
MentorType_Id String wid / id / reference id
Mentor_Descriptor String A description of the instance
Mentor_Href String A link to the instance
Mentor_Id String wid / id / reference id
Purpose String Returns the proposed purpose for the mentorship.
StartDate Datetime The proposed Start date for the mentorship.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111