CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Request a one-time payment for a worker with the specified ID.

Workday Resource Information

Creates a one-time payment for a worker with the specified ID, and initiates the Request One-Time Payment business process. In the request body, specify at least these required fields: reason{id}, position{id}, oneTimePayments[ paymentCurrency{id}, oneTimePaymentPlan {id}].

Sample format for paymentAmount:
"payment Amount": {
"value": "2500"

Secured by: Request One-Time Payment (REST Service)

Scope: Core Compensation

Aggregate Fields

The 本製品 represents the following fields as aggregates containing JSON text. Each of them conforms to their respective schema. Fields marked with an asterisk are required and must be included if their parent object is. Fields marked with a hyphen are read-only and must not be included when calling stored procedures or when performing an INSERT or UPDATE.

This information is derived from the Workday REST API specification which does not explicitly list all business rules and validations that apply to each object. More fields may be required than what is listed here.


  additionalInformation: Text /* Additional information for this compensation payment */
  coverageEndDate: Date /* The end date of the Coverage Period for the payment, which enables Workday Payroll or Payroll Integration to associate dates with the one-time payment for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) reporting requirements. */
  coverageStartDate: Date /* The start date of the Coverage Period for the payment, which enables Workday Payroll or Payroll Integration to associate dates with the one-time payment for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) reporting requirements. */
  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  oneTimePaymentPlan: { /* The one-time payment plan name for this one-time payment. Displays only if the payment is a one-time payment. */
     -descriptor: Text /* A description of the instance */
     -href: Text /* A link to the instance */
     *id: Text /* wid / id / reference id */
  paymentAmount: Currency /* Amount of compensation payment */
  paymentCurrency: { /* The currency for this compensation payment */
     -descriptor: Text /* A description of the instance */
     -href: Text /* A link to the instance */
     *id: Text /* wid / id / reference id */
  paymentPercent: Numeric /* The actual amount for the \~bonus\~ payment represented as a percentage.  The percentage is usually calculated as a percentage of base pay, but on the \~bonus\~ plan setup it is possible to override the calculation basis to calculate as a percentage of a set of compensation elements. */
  payrollWorktags: [{
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
      id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  scheduledPaymentDate: Date /* The payment date scheduled for the one-time payment request. */
  sendToPayroll: Boolean /* This is true if you selected Send to Payroll on the \~bonus\~ payment, future payment, or one-time payment. If false, Workday Payroll doesn't process the payment. */


Name Type Description
Workers_Id String The ID of the resource to execute this process on.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EffectiveDate Datetime The date this business process takes effect.
EmployeeVisibilityDate Datetime Returns the date that a compensation change is visible to a worker.
Id String Id of the instance
OneTimePayments_Aggregate String A JSON aggregate. All one-time payments associated with the event.
Position_Id String wid / id / reference id
Reason_Id String wid / id / reference id

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EffectiveDate Datetime The date this business process takes effect.
EmployeeVisibilityDate Datetime Returns the date that a compensation change is visible to a worker.
Id String Id of the instance
OneTimePayments_Aggregate String A JSON aggregate. All one-time payments associated with the event.
Position_Descriptor String A description of the instance
Position_Href String A link to the instance
Position_Id String wid / id / reference id
Reason_Descriptor String A description of the instance
Reason_Href String A link to the instance
Reason_Id String wid / id / reference id

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111