API Data Provider - Online Help

OnePageCrm Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

OnePageCrm Tables

Name Description
Actions Retrieve a list of actions.
ActionStream Retrieve a list of contacts prioritized by their next action
CallResults Retrieve a list of call results.
Calls Retrieve a list of calls.
Companies Retrieve the list of companies.
CompanyActions Retrieve all actions for a specific company.
CompanyCalls Retrieve all calls for a specific company.
CompanyEmailMessages Retrieve all email messages for a specific company.
CompanyFields Retrieve the list of company fields.
CompanyLinkedContacts Retrieve contacts linked with a specific company.
CompanyDeals Retrieve all deals for a specific company.
CompanyNotes Retrieve all notes for a specific company.
ContactActions Retrieve all actions for a specific contact.
ContactCalls Retrieve all calls for a specific contact.
ContactDeals Retrieve all deals for a specific contact.
ContactEmailMessages Retrieve all email messages for a specific contact.
ContactNotes Retrieve all notes for a specific contact.
ContactRelationships Retrieve all relationships for a specific contact.
Contacts Retrieve the list of contacts.
CustomFields Retrieve the list of custom fields.
DealFields Retrieve the list of deal fields.
Deals Retrieve a list of deals.
EmailMessages Retrieve a list of email messages.
Filters Retrieve a list of custom filters.
LeadSources Retrieve the list of lead sources.
Notes Retrieve a list of notes.
Notifications Retrieve the list of notifications tha user has.
Pipelines Retrieve a list of pipelines.
PredefinedActions Retrieve the list of predifined actions.
PredefinedItemGroups Retrieve the list of predifined item groups.
PredefinedItems Retrieve the list of predifined items.
RelationshipTypes Retrieve a list of relationship types.
Statuses Retrieve a list of statuses.
TeamStream Retrieve a list of contacts prioritized by their next action
Users Retrieve the list of users.
Webhooks Retrieve all webhooks.

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