API Data Provider - Online Help


Retrieve the change with the given ID from Freshservice.


Name Type References
ChangeId [KEY] Long


AgentId Long
Status Integer
SubCategory String
Subject String
ApprovalStatus Integer
Assets String
Category String
ChangeType Integer
CustomFieldsCustomCheckbox Boolean
CustomFieldsCustomDate String
CustomFieldsCustomDecimal String
CustomFieldsCustomDropdown String
CustomFieldsCustomNumber String
CustomFieldsCustomParagraph String
CustomFieldsCustomText String
DepartmentId Long
Description String
DescriptionText String
GroupId Long
Impact Integer
ItemCategory String
MaintenanceWindowDescription String
MaintenanceWindowId Long
MaintenanceWindowName String
MaintenanceWindowWindowEndDate Datetime
MaintenanceWindowWindowStartDate Datetime
PlannedEndDate Datetime
PlannedStartDate Datetime
Priority Integer
RequesterId Long
Risk Integer
Stats String
CreatedAt Datetime
UpdatedAt Datetime

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