API Data Provider - Online Help


Lists notifications where the current user was the subscriber (owner of the OAuth application).


Name Type References
Id String
AccountId String


AccountResource String
AccountResourcePath String
CreatedAt Datetime
DataAmountAmount String
DataAmountCurrency String
DataCommitted Boolean
DataCreatedAt Datetime
DataFees String
DataId String
DataInstant Boolean
DataPaymentMethodId String
DataPaymentMethodResource String
DataPaymentMethodResourcePath String
DataPayoutAt Datetime
DataResource String
DataResourcePath String
DataStatus String
DataSubtotalAmount String
DataSubtotalCurrency String
DataTotalAmount String
DataTotalCurrency String
DataTransactionId String
DataTransactionResource String
DataTransactionResourcePath String
DataUpdatedAt Datetime
DeliveryAttempts Integer
Resource String
ResourcePath String
Type String
UserId String
UserResource String
UserResourcePath String

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