API Data Provider - Online Help

Coinbase Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Coinbase Tables

Name Description
Accounts Lists current user's accounts.
Addresses Lists addresses for an account.
AddressTransactions List transactions that have been sent to a specific address.
BuyPrice Get the total price to buy one bitcoin or ether. Note that exchange rates fluctuates so the price is only correct for seconds at the time. This buy price includes standard Coinbase fee (1%) but excludes any other fees including bank fees.
Buys Lists buys for an account.
Currencies List known currencies.
CurrentTime Get the API server time.
CurrentUser Get current user's public and private information
Deposits Lists deposits for an account.
ExchangeRates Get current exchange rates.
Notifications Lists notifications where the current user was the subscriber (owner of the OAuth application).
PaymentMethods Lists current user's payment methods.
SellPrice Get the total price to sell one bitcoin or ether. Note that exchange rates fluctuates so the price is only correct for seconds at the time. This sell price includes standard Coinbase fee (1%) but excludes any other fees including bank fees.
Sells Lists sells for an account.
SpotPrice Get the current market price for bitcoin. This is usually somewhere in between the buy and sell price.Note that exchange rates fluctuates so the price is only correct for seconds at the time.
Transactions Lists account's transactions.
User Get any user's public information with their ID.
Withdrawals Lists withdrawals for an account.

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