API Data Provider - Online Help

Freshservice Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Freshservice Tables

Name Description
AgentGroups List all agent groups.
AgentRoles List all agent roles.
Agents List all agents.
AssetComponents List all asset components in your account.
Assets List all assets in your account.
AssetTypes List all the asset types in your account.
ChangeDetails Retrieve the change with the given ID from Freshservice.
ChangeNotes Retrieve a list of all notes on a Change request with the given ID from Freshservice.
Changes List changes in your account.By default only changes that have been created within the past 30 days will be returned. For older changes, use the UpdatedSince filter.
ChangeTasks Retrieve the tasks on a Change request with the given ID from Freshservice.
ChangeTimeEntries Retrieve the time entries on a Change request with the given ID from Freshservice.
Conversations List all conversations of a ticket.
Departments List all departments in your account.
Locations List all locations in your account.
ProblemDetails Retrieve the problem with the given ID from Freshservice.
ProblemNotes Retrieve a list of all notes on a Problem request with the given ID from Freshservice.
Problems List all problems in your account.
ProblemTasks Retrieve the tasks on a Problem request with the given ID from Freshservice.
ProblemTimeEntries Retrieve the time entries on a Problem request with the given ID from Freshservice.
Products List all products in your account.
RequesterFields List all requester fields.
RequesterGroupMembers List all members for a give requester group in your account.
RequesterGroups List all requester groups in your account.
Requesters List all requesters in the account, including agents.
TicketFields List all ticket fields.
Tickets List tickets.
Vendors List all vendors in your account.

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