JDBC Driver for Magento

Build 22.0.8462


The driver models the data in Magento into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Generally, querying Magento tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.

CData JDBC Driver for Magento Tables

Name Description
BundleProductLinkChildren BundleProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table
BundleProductOption BundleProductOption is an auto generated table
CatalogAttributeSet CatalogAttributeSet is an auto generated table
CatalogCategoryAttribute CatalogCategoryAttribute is an auto generated table
CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions is an auto generated table
CatalogCategoryLinkProducts CatalogCategoryLinkProducts is an auto generated table
CatalogProductAttribute CatalogProductAttribute is an auto generated table
CatalogProductAttributeTypesList CatalogProductAttributeTypesList is an auto generated table
CatalogProductLinkTypeList CatalogProductLinkTypeList is an auto generated table
CatalogProductTierPriceTiers CatalogProductTierPriceTiers is an auto generated table
CatalogProductTypeList CatalogProductTypeList is an auto generated table
CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements is an auto generated table
CmsBlock CmsBlock is an auto generated table
CmsPage CmsPage is an auto generated table
ConfigurableProductLinkChildren ConfigurableProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table
ConfigurableProductOption ConfigurableProductOption is an auto generated table
CustomerAccountBillingAddress CustomerAccountBillingAddress is an auto generated table
CustomerAccountShippingAddress CustomerAccountShippingAddress is an auto generated table
CustomerAddress CustomerAddress is an auto generated table
CustomerGroup CustomerGroup is an auto generated table
CustomerGroupDefault CustomerGroupDefault is an auto generated table
Customers Customers is an auto generated table
DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table
DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table
DownloadableLink DownloadableLink is an auto generated table
DownloadableSample DownloadableSample is an auto generated table
EavAttributeSet EavAttributeSet is an auto generated table
GiftMessageCart GiftMessageCart is an auto generated table
GiftMessageGuestCart GiftMessageGuestCart is an auto generated table
GiftMessageGuestItem GiftMessageGuestItem is an auto generated table
GiftMessageItem GiftMessageItem is an auto generated table
GuestBillingAddresses GuestBillingAddresses is an auto generated table
GuestPaymentInformation GuestPaymentInformation is an auto generated table
GuestPaymentMethods GuestPaymentMethods is an auto generated table
GuestPaymentSelectedMethods GuestPaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table
GuestShippingMethods GuestShippingMethods is an auto generated table
Inventory Inventory is an auto generated table
OrderComments OrderComments is an auto generated table
OrderItems OrderItems is an auto generated table
Orders Orders is an auto generated table
PaymentMethods PaymentMethods is an auto generated table
PaymentSelectedMethods PaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table
ProductAttributeGroup ProductAttributeGroup is an auto generated table
ProductAttributeOptions ProductAttributeOptions is an auto generated table
ProductAttributes ProductAttributes is an auto generated table
ProductCategories ProductCategories is an auto generated table
ProductCustomOption ProductCustomOption is an auto generated table
ProductMedia ProductMedia is an auto generated table
Products Products is an auto generated table
QuoteCart QuoteCart is an auto generated table
QuoteCartItem QuoteCartItem is an auto generated table
QuoteCartTotal QuoteCartTotal is an auto generated table
QuoteGuestCart QuoteGuestCart is an auto generated table
QuoteGuestCartItem QuoteGuestCartItem is an auto generated table
QuoteGuestCartTotal QuoteGuestCartTotal is an auto generated table
SalesCreditmemo SalesCreditmemo is an auto generated table
SalesCreditmemoComments SalesCreditmemoComments is an auto generated table
SalesInvoice SalesInvoice is an auto generated table
SalesInvoiceComments SalesInvoiceComments is an auto generated table
SalesRule SalesRule is an auto generated table
SalesRuleCoupon SalesRuleCoupon is an auto generated table
SalesShipment SalesShipment is an auto generated table
SalesShipmentComments SalesShipmentComments is an auto generated table
SalesTransaction SalesTransaction is an auto generated table
ShippingMethods ShippingMethods is an auto generated table
StoreGroup StoreGroup is an auto generated table
Stores Stores is an auto generated table
StoreWebsite StoreWebsite is an auto generated table
TaxClass TaxClass is an auto generated table
TaxRate TaxRate is an auto generated table
TaxRule TaxRule is an auto generated table

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462