JDBC Driver for Magento

Build 22.0.8462


QuoteGuestCartTotal is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BaseCurrencyCode String False

Base currency code

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in base currency

BaseGrandTotal String False

Grand total in base currency

BaseShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in base currency

BaseShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in base currency

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in base currency

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in base currency

BaseSubtotal String False

Subtotal in base currency

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in base currency

BaseSubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in base currency with applied discount

BaseTaxAmount String False

Tax amount in base currency

CouponCode String False

Applied coupon code

DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in quote currency

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GrandTotal String False

Grand total in quote currency

ItemsQty Int False

Items qty

QuoteCurrencyCode String False

Quote currency code

ShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in quote currency

ShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in quote currency

ShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in quote currency

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in quote currency

Subtotal String False

Subtotal in quote currency

SubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in quote currency

SubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in quote currency with applied discount

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount in quote currency

TotalSegments String False

Dynamically calculated totals

WeeeTaxAppliedAmount String False

Item weee tax applied amount in quote currency.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462