Orders is an auto generated table
The Orders table supports server-side processing for all columns in the WHERE clause. Most of these columns support server-side processing for the >, >=, <, <=, =, IN, NOT IN and LIKE operators.
The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.
- Retrieve all orders from your Magento server:
- Retrieve a single order:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE EntityId = '1'
- Filter by status:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE GroupId = 1
- Filter by created date:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-08-01'
- Example query with multiple filters:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE EntityId IN (1,2) AND CustomerFirstname LIKE '%i%' AND OrderCurrencyCode='USD' LIMIT 50
You can insert items into an order using an Insert statement. The 'Items' column can be specified using either the temporary table called 'OrderItems#Temp' or as a simple string aggregate. 'Payment' aggregate column is required for Insert and Update operations on this table.
- Using the temporary table:
INSERT INTO OrderItems#Temp (BasePrice, Sku) VALUES (299.99, '8915A40K4') INSERT INTO OrderItems#Temp (BasePrice, Sku) VALUES (100, '7115AP0Z8') INSERT INTO Orders (GrandTotal, Items, Payment) VALUES (399.99, OrderItems#Temp, '{...your payment aggregate here...}')
- Using a text aggregate:
INSERT INTO Orders (GrandTotal, Items, Payment) VALUES (399.99, '{...Items aggregate here...}', '{...Payment aggregate here...}')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
AdjustmentNegative | String | False |
Negative adjustment value. |
AdjustmentPositive | String | False |
Positive adjustment value. |
AppliedRuleIds | String | False |
Applied rule IDs. |
BaseAdjustmentNegative | String | False |
Base negative adjustment value. |
BaseAdjustmentPositive | String | False |
Base positive adjustment value. |
BaseCurrencyCode | String | False |
Base currency code. |
BaseDiscountAmount | String | False |
Base discount amount. |
BaseDiscountCanceled | String | False |
Base discount canceled. |
BaseDiscountInvoiced | String | False |
Base discount invoiced. |
BaseDiscountRefunded | String | False |
Base discount refunded. |
BaseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount | String | False |
Base discount tax compensation amount. |
BaseDiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced | String | False |
Base discount tax compensation invoiced. |
BaseDiscountTaxCompensationRefunded | String | False |
Base discount tax compensation refunded. |
BaseGrandTotal | String | False |
Base grand total. |
BaseShippingAmount | String | False |
Base shipping amount. |
BaseShippingCanceled | String | False |
Base shipping canceled. |
BaseShippingDiscountAmount | String | False |
Base shipping discount amount. |
BaseShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmnt | String | False |
Base shipping discount tax compensation amount. |
BaseShippingInclTax | String | False |
Base shipping including tax. |
BaseShippingInvoiced | String | False |
Base shipping invoiced. |
BaseShippingRefunded | String | False |
Base shipping refunded. |
BaseShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
Base shipping tax amount. |
BaseShippingTaxRefunded | String | False |
Base shipping tax refunded. |
BaseSubtotal | String | False |
Base subtotal. |
BaseSubtotalCanceled | String | False |
Base subtotal canceled. |
BaseSubtotalInclTax | String | False |
Base subtotal including tax. |
BaseSubtotalInvoiced | String | False |
Base subtotal invoiced. |
BaseSubtotalRefunded | String | False |
Base subtotal refunded. |
BaseTaxAmount | String | False |
Base tax amount. |
BaseTaxCanceled | String | False |
Base tax canceled. |
BaseTaxInvoiced | String | False |
Base tax invoiced. |
BaseTaxRefunded | String | False |
Base tax refunded. |
BaseToGlobalRate | String | False |
Base-to-global rate. |
BaseToOrderRate | String | False |
Base-to-order rate. |
BaseTotalCanceled | String | False |
Base total canceled. |
BaseTotalDue | String | False |
Base total due. |
BaseTotalInvoiced | String | False |
Base total invoiced. |
BaseTotalInvoicedCost | String | False |
Base total invoiced cost. |
BaseTotalOfflineRefunded | String | False |
Base total offline refunded. |
BaseTotalOnlineRefunded | String | False |
Base total online refunded. |
BaseTotalPaid | String | False |
Base total paid. |
BaseTotalQtyOrdered | String | False |
Base total quantity ordered. |
BaseTotalRefunded | String | False |
Base total refunded. |
BillingAddress | String | False |
This is an auto-generated column |
BillingAddressId | Int | False |
Billing address ID. |
CanShipPartially | Int | False |
Can-ship-partially flag value. |
CanShipPartiallyItem | Int | False |
Can-ship-partially-item flag value. |
CouponCode | String | False |
Coupon code. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
Created-at timestamp. |
CustomerDob | String | False |
Customer date-of-birth (DOB). |
CustomerEmail | String | False |
Customer email address. |
CustomerFirstname | String | False |
Customer first name. |
CustomerGender | Int | False |
Customer gender. |
CustomerGroupId | Int | False |
Customer group ID. |
CustomerId | Int | False |
Customer ID. |
CustomerIsGuest | Int | False |
Customer-is-guest flag value. |
CustomerLastname | String | False |
Customer last name. |
CustomerMiddlename | String | False |
Customer middle name. |
CustomerNote | String | False |
Customer note. |
CustomerNoteNotify | Int | False |
Customer-note-notify flag value. |
CustomerPrefix | String | False |
Customer prefix. |
CustomerSuffix | String | False |
Customer suffix. |
CustomerTaxvat | String | False |
Customer value-added tax (VAT). |
DiscountAmount | String | False |
Discount amount. |
DiscountCanceled | String | False |
Discount canceled. |
DiscountDescription | String | False |
Discount description. |
DiscountInvoiced | String | False |
Discount invoiced. |
DiscountRefunded | String | False |
Discount refunded amount. |
DiscountTaxCompensationAmount | String | False |
Discount tax compensation amount. |
DiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced | String | False |
Discount tax compensation invoiced amount. |
DiscountTaxCompensationRefunded | String | False |
Discount tax compensation refunded amount. |
EditIncrement | Int | False |
Edit increment value. |
EmailSent | Int | False |
Email-sent flag value. |
EntityId | Int | False |
Order ID. |
ExtCustomerId | String | False |
External customer ID. |
ExtensionAttributes | String | False |
This is an auto-generated column |
ExtOrderId | String | False |
External order ID. |
ForcedShipmentWithInvoice | Int | False |
Forced-shipment-with-invoice flag value. |
GlobalCurrencyCode | String | False |
Global currency code. |
GrandTotal | String | False |
Grand total. |
HoldBeforeState | String | False |
Hold before state. |
HoldBeforeStatus | String | False |
Hold before status. |
IncrementId | String | False |
Increment ID. |
IsVirtual | Int | False |
Is-virtual flag value. |
OrderCurrencyCode | String | False |
Order currency code. |
OriginalIncrementId | String | False |
Original increment ID. |
Payment | String | False |
This is an auto-generated column |
PaymentAuthExpiration | Int | False |
Payment authorization expiration date. |
PaymentAuthorizationAmount | String | False |
Payment authorization amount. |
ProtectCode | String | False |
Protect code. |
QuoteAddressId | Int | False |
Quote address ID. |
QuoteId | Int | False |
Quote ID. |
RelationChildId | String | False |
Relation child ID. |
RelationChildRealId | String | False |
Relation child real ID. |
RelationParentId | String | False |
Relation parent ID. |
RelationParentRealId | String | False |
Relation parent real ID. |
RemoteIp | String | False |
Remote IP address. |
ShippingAmount | String | False |
Shipping amount. |
ShippingCanceled | String | False |
Shipping canceled amount. |
ShippingDescription | String | False |
Shipping description. |
ShippingDiscountAmount | String | False |
Shipping discount amount. |
ShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmount | String | False |
Shipping discount tax compensation amount. |
ShippingInclTax | String | False |
Shipping including tax amount. |
ShippingInvoiced | String | False |
Shipping invoiced amount. |
ShippingRefunded | String | False |
Shipping refunded amount. |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
Shipping tax amount. |
ShippingTaxRefunded | String | False |
Shipping tax refunded amount. |
State | String | False |
State. |
Status | String | False |
Status. |
StatusHistories | String | False |
Array of status histories. |
StoreCurrencyCode | String | False |
Store currency code. |
StoreId | Int | False |
Store ID. |
StoreName | String | False |
Store name. |
StoreToBaseRate | String | False |
Store-to-base rate. |
StoreToOrderRate | String | False |
Store-to-order rate. |
Subtotal | String | False |
Subtotal. |
SubtotalCanceled | String | False |
Subtotal canceled amount. |
SubtotalInclTax | String | False |
Subtotal including tax amount. |
SubtotalInvoiced | String | False |
Subtotal invoiced amount. |
SubtotalRefunded | String | False |
Subtotal refunded amount. |
TaxAmount | String | False |
Tax amount. |
TaxCanceled | String | False |
Tax canceled amount. |
TaxInvoiced | String | False |
Tax invoiced amount. |
TaxRefunded | String | False |
Tax refunded amount. |
TotalCanceled | String | False |
Total canceled. |
TotalDue | String | False |
Total due. |
TotalInvoiced | String | False |
Total invoiced amount. |
TotalItemCount | Int | False |
Total item count. |
TotalOfflineRefunded | String | False |
Total offline refunded amount. |
TotalOnlineRefunded | String | False |
Total online refunded amount. |
TotalPaid | String | False |
Total paid. |
TotalQtyOrdered | String | False |
Total quantity ordered. |
TotalRefunded | String | False |
Total amount refunded. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
Updated-at timestamp. |
Weight | String | False |
Weight. |
XForwardedFor | String | False |
X-Forwarded-For field value. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Id_p | Int |
The order ID. |