InterSystems Caché は、高速アプリケーション開発環境および高度なデータベース管理システムです。これは、金融サービス、銀行、医療管理、政府機関、その他の分野のソフトウェアアプリケーションを開発するために使用される、商用オペレーションのデータベース管理システムです。Caché では、M テクノロジとして知られる階層配列とその基礎となるデータ構造を直接操作できます。
Type Name
Connection Properties
適切なトランスレータ名: intersystems-cache
(デフォルト: 空)driver
Translator Properties
Translator Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Name | Description | Default value |
| Sets a template to convert Examples comparisonStringConversion=%s -- no conversion will be applied comparisonStringConversion= binary %s -- WHERE binary someStringExpression LIKE someOtherStringExpression comparisonStringConversion=(%s COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS) -- WHERE (someStringExpression COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS LIKE someOtherStringExpression) |
| Database time zone, used when fetching date, time, or timestamp values | System default time zone |
| Specific database version, used to fine-tune pushdown support | Automatically detected by the server through the data source JDBC driver, if possible |
| Only considered when |
| If |
| Maximum size of prepared insert batch |
| Sets a template to convert Examples OrderByStringConversion=%s -- no conversion will be applied OrderByStringConversion=( binary %s) -- ORDER BY (binary someStringExpression) OrderByStringConversion= cast ((%s) as varchar (2000) ccsid 1208) -- ORDER BY cast((someStringExpression) as varchar(2000) ccsid 1208) |
| If |
| Forces a translator to issue a Example SELECT x.* FROM table ( CALL "dwh.native" ( "request" => 'SELECT query, pid, elapsed, substring FROM svl_qlog ORDER BY STARTTIME DESC LIMIT 200' ) ) w , ARRAYTABLE( w.tuple COLUMNS query string, pid integer , elapsed string, "substring" string ) x; |
| If If |
| If If |
| If |
| if |
| Embeds a / comment / leading comment with session/request id in the source SQL query for informational purposes |
The names of the translator properties are case-sensitive.
Data Source Properties
Data Source Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Name | Description | Default |
| Replaces |
| Database catalogs to use. Can be used if the Only for Microsoft SQL Server and Snowflake:
| Exasol: EXA_DB All others: empty |
Please note that writing into a data source is only possible if this parameter is set. | Empty |
| Turns on metadata cache for a single data source even when the global option is turned off. Together with |
| Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified procedure name from import | Empty |
| Comma-separated list of schemas (no | Oracle: APEX_PUBLIC_USER, DIP, FLOWS_040100, FLOWS_020100, FLOWS_FILES, MDDATA, ORACLE_OCM, SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR, SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR, XS$ NULL , BI, HR, OE, PM, IX, SH, SYS, SYSTEM, MDSYS, CTXSYS All others: empty |
| Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified table name from import. Does not speed up metadata loading. Here are some examples: 1. Excluding all tables in the (source) schemas importer.excludeTables=(.*[.]sys[.].*|.*[.]INFORMATION_SCHEMA[.].*) 2. Excluding all tables except the ones starting with "" and "" using a negative lookahead: importer.excludeTables=(?! public \.(br|mk)).* 3. Excluding "tablename11" from the list ["tablename1", "tablename11", "company", "companies"]: importer.excludeTables=.*\.(?!\btablename1\b|\bcompan).*
| Empty |
| Fetch size assigned to a resultset on loading metadata | No default value |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to Please note that it is currently not possible to import procedures which use the same name for more than one parameter (e.g. same name for |
| Set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| Procedure(s) to import. If omitted, all procedures will be imported. | Empty |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| Schema(s) to import. If omitted or has "" value, all schemas will be imported. | Empty |
| If set to |
| Table(s) to import. If omitted, all tables will be imported. | Empty |
| Comma-separated list (without spaces) of table types to import. Available types depend on the DBMS. Usual format: Other typical types are | Empty |
| If set to | |
| If set to Please note that this may lead to objects with duplicate names when importing from multiple schemas, which results in an exception |
| If set to |
| If set to |
Escaping wildcards in importer.catalog
available since v4.0.8
Default values
and importer.catalog='EXA_DB'
available since v4.4
is available since v4.6
set to importer.importProcedures
by default for CData connector since v4.7