The CData Virtuality Server Connector Architecture (DVSCA) provides the CData Virtuality Server with a robust mechanism for integrating with external systems. The DVSCA defines a common client interface between the CData Virtuality Server and an external system that includes metadata as to what SQL constructs are supported for pushdown and the ability to import metadata from the external system. A Translator is the heart of the DVSCA and acts as the bridge logic between the CData Virtuality Server and an external system. It has its own translation properties, which are described in the following Connector descriptions. Connectors can have a number of configurable properties. These are broken down into translator properties, which determine aspects of how data is retrieved, and import settings, which determine what metadata is read for import. The translator properties for a translator typically have reasonable defaults. For specific translator types, e.g. the Derby translator, base translator properties are already tuned to match the source. In most cases, the user will not need to adjust their values.
Translator Properties Shared by All Connectors
(Properties listed in alphabetical order)
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Name | Description | Default |
These characters in column names must be supported by the data source. |
| The value determines the way table column names are presented in the CData Virtuality Server:
String values for |
| Set to |
| If in criteria are supported, defines what the maximum number of in entries are per predicate. -1 indicates no limit |
| If in criteria are supported, defines what the maximum number of predicates that can be used for a dependent join. Values less than |
| Maximum size of string data type columns. This value is used when the user creates a column of string data type without specifying a size for it | PostgreSQL: SQL Server: MySQL, MemSQL: Oracle: Redshift: Snowflake: Exasol: Vertica: Teradata: BigQuery: IBM DB2: Hive: SAP Hana: CData Virtuality view: Other data sources: |
| Defines the system behaviour for table creation when data inserted into a
| MySQL, MemSQL, Exasol, Hive, IBM DB2, SAP Hana: Other data sources: |
| Set to |
| If joins are supported, defines what criteria may be used as the join criteria. Can be one of the following: |
| Returns | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept | |
| Support indicates connector can accept | |
| Indicates whether the source supports lead(), | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept groups with aliases | |
| Returns | |
| Returns | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element = constant) | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element <= | >= constant). The query engine will may pushdown queries containing < or > if | |
| Support indicates connector can accept correlated subqueries wherever subqueries are accepted | |
| Returns | |
| Support indicates that the connector supports | |
| Support indicates connector accepts the | |
| Support indicates that the connector supports non-column expressions in | |
| Whether the source supports an explicit | |
| Whether the source supports the | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element | |
| Support indicates connector accepts | |
| Support indicates connector can accept inline views (subqueries in the | |
| Set to |
| Support indicates that the connector supports | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element | |
| Support indicates connector accepts criteria of form (element | |
| Returns | |
| Set to |
| Support indicates connector accepts logical criteria | |
| Support indicates connector accepts the quantified comparison criteria that use | |
| Support indicates connector accepts the quantified comparison criteria that use | |
| Whether the source supports grouping only over a single table | |
| Support indicates connector accepts logical criteria connected by | |
| Set to |
| Returns whether the database supports explicit join ordering | |
| Support indicates connector accepts ORDER BY clause with columns not from | |
| Set to |
| When set to |
| Gets whether the connector can limit the number of rows returned by a query | |
| Gets whether the connector supports a SQL clause (similar to | |
| Support indicates connector can accept scalar subqueries in the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept queries with searched | |
| Support indicates connector can accept expressions other than element symbols in the | |
| Support indicates connector can accept self-joins where a group is joined to itself with aliases. The connector must also support | |
| Support indicates that the connector supports an | |
| Returns | |
| Support indicates that the connector supports | |
| The value determines the way table name is presented in the CData Virtuality Server:
String values for |
| Set to |
| Used to change the default escaping behaviour in |
available since v4.0.8
Space allowed in column name since v4.1