Apache Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure which provides query, data summarization, and analysis, built on top of Hadoop. The Apache Hive data warehouse software facilitates writing, reading, and managing large datasets with distributed storage using SQL. A JDBC driver and a command line tool are provided to connect users to Hive.
Type Name
Hive is a data warehousing infrastructure based on Hadoop. Hadoop provides massive scale-out and fault tolerance capabilities for data storage and processing (using the map-reduce programming paradigm) on commodity hardware. Hive has limited support for data types as it supports integer variants, boolean, float, double, and string. It does not have native support for time-based types, XML, or LOBs. These limitations are reflected in the connector capabilities. The view table can use these types, however, the transformation would need to specify the necessary transformations. Note that in those situations, the evaluations will be done in the Data Virtuality Server engine. Another limitation of Hive is that it only supports EQUI join, so using any other join types on its source tables will result in inefficient queries. To write criteria based on partitioned columns, they can be modelled on the source table, but not included in selected columns.
Connection Properties
Template name: hive2
Appropriate translator name: hive
(default: empty)driver
for hive-jdbc-1.2.1,oldhive
for hive-jdbc-1.1.0; default:hive
(arbitrary extra properties)new-connection-sql
(default:show databases
Translator Properties
Translator Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors
(Properties listed in alphabetical order)
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Name | Description | Default value |
| Sets a template to convert Examples comparisonStringConversion=%s -- no conversion will be applied comparisonStringConversion= binary %s -- WHERE binary someStringExpression LIKE someOtherStringExpression comparisonStringConversion=(%s COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS) -- WHERE (someStringExpression COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS LIKE someOtherStringExpression) |
| Database time zone, used when fetching date, time, or timestamp values | System default time zone |
| Specific database version, used to fine-tune pushdown support | Automatically detected by the server through the data source JDBC driver, if possible |
| Only considered when |
| If |
| Maximum size of prepared insert batch |
| Sets a template to convert Examples OrderByStringConversion=%s -- no conversion will be applied OrderByStringConversion=( binary %s) -- ORDER BY (binary someStringExpression) OrderByStringConversion= cast ((%s) as varchar (2000) ccsid 1208) -- ORDER BY cast((someStringExpression) as varchar(2000) ccsid 1208) |
| If |
| Forces a translator to issue a Example SELECT x.* FROM table ( CALL "dwh.native" ( "request" => 'SELECT query, pid, elapsed, substring FROM svl_qlog ORDER BY STARTTIME DESC LIMIT 200' ) ) w , ARRAYTABLE( w.tuple COLUMNS query string, pid integer , elapsed string, "substring" string ) x; |
| If If |
| If If |
| If |
| if |
| Embeds a / comment / leading comment with session/request id in the source SQL query for informational purposes |
The names of the translator properties are case-sensitive.
Translator Properties Specific for Hive
Name | Description | Default value |
| Example: Please note that the hostname should be the node name of the Hadoop node which runs the WebHDFS service. It is not possible to use the IP address or some alternative DNS name. If the node name does not resolve on the Data Virtuality Server, please add the node name with the correct IP address to the host file on the Data Virtuality Server | |
| Example: | |
| Possible values: Example: PARQUET |
Data Source Properties
Data Source Properties Shared by All JDBC Connectors
(Properties listed in alphabetical order)
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Name | Description | Default |
| Replaces |
| Database catalogs to use. Can be used if the Only for Microsoft SQL Server and Snowflake:
| Exasol: EXA_DB All others: empty |
Please note that writing into a data source is only possible if this parameter is set. | Empty |
| Turns on metadata cache for a single data source even when the global option is turned off. Together with |
| Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified procedure name from import | Empty |
| Comma-separated list of schemas (no | Oracle: APEX_PUBLIC_USER, DIP, FLOWS_040100, FLOWS_020100, FLOWS_FILES, MDDATA, ORACLE_OCM, SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR, SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR, XS$ NULL , BI, HR, OE, PM, IX, SH, SYS, SYSTEM, MDSYS, CTXSYS All others: empty |
| Case-insensitive regular expression that will exclude a matching fully qualified table name from import. Does not speed up metadata loading. Here are some examples: 1. Excluding all tables in the (source) schemas importer.excludeTables=(.*[.]sys[.].*|.*[.]INFORMATION_SCHEMA[.].*) 2. Excluding all tables except the ones starting with "public.br" and "public.mk" using a negative lookahead: importer.excludeTables=(?! public \.(br|mk)).* 3. Excluding "tablename11" from the list ["tablename1", "tablename11", "company", "companies"]: importer.excludeTables=.*\.(?!\btablename1\b|\bcompan).*
| Empty |
| Fetch size assigned to a resultset on loading metadata | No default value |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to Please note that it is currently not possible to import procedures which use the same name for more than one parameter (e.g. same name for |
| Set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| Procedure(s) to import. If omitted, all procedures will be imported. | Empty |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| If set to |
| Schema(s) to import. If omitted or has "" value, all schemas will be imported. | Empty |
| If set to |
| Table(s) to import. If omitted, all tables will be imported. | Empty |
| Comma-separated list (without spaces) of table types to import. Available types depend on the DBMS. Usual format: Other typical types are | Empty |
| If set to | |
| If set to Please note that this may lead to objects with duplicate names when importing from multiple schemas, which results in an exception |
| If set to |
| If set to |
Escaping wildcards in importer.catalog
available since v4.0.8
Default values
and importer.catalog='EXA_DB'
available since v4.4
is available since v4.6
set to importer.importProcedures
by default for CData connector since v4.7
Data Source Properties Specific to Hive
Name | Description | Default value |
| For Hive 0.13.0 and later, the normal JDBC DatabaseMetaData facilities are sufficient to perform an import. Set to |
| For Hive 0.11.0 and later, metadata for the |