ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8964


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks Views

Name Description
BalanceSheetDetail Balance Sheet Detail Report.
BalanceSheetStandard Balance Sheet Standard Report.
BalanceSheetSummary Balance Sheet Summary Report.
BillingRate Query QuickBooks Billing Rate. Requires QBXML Version 6.0 or higher.
BillLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Bill Linked Transactions.
CompanyInfo Query the company information from QuickBooks.
CreditMemoLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Credit Memo Linked Transactions.
CustomColumns Query QuickBooks Custom Columns.
DeletedEntities Query deleted Entities.
DeletedTransactions Query deleted Transactions.
EmployeeStateTaxesDetail Returns information of employee state taxes detail report.
EstimateLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Estimate Linked transactions.
Host Query the QuickBooks host process. The Host represents information about the QuickBooks process currently being executed.
InvoiceLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Invoice Linked Transactions.
ItemReceiptLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Item Receipt Linked Transactions.
ItemSites Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Item Sites. Item sites are only available in QuickBooks Enterprise 2010 and above, and only with the Advanced Inventory add-on. This table requires a minimum of QBXML version 10.0.
PayrollItemDetail Returns information of Payroll item detail report (lists the payroll transactions on which each payroll item appears).
PayrollReviewDetail Returns information of Payroll detail review report (provides detailed information about how QuickBooks calculates tax amounts on employee paychecks and in year-to-date transactions).
PayrollTransactionDetail Returns information of Payroll transaction detail report (shows the line-item detail that appears on each payroll transaction).
PayrollTransactionsByPayee Payroll transactions by payee report (lists payroll transactions, grouping them by payee).
Preferences Query information about many of the preferences the QuickBooks user has set in the company file.
ProfitAndLossDetail Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Report.
ProfitAndLossStandard Profit & Loss YTD Comparison Report.
PurchaseOrderLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Purchase Order Linked Transactions.
ReceivePaymentToDeposit Returns information about payments that have been received and are ready to deposit.
SalesOrderLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Sales Order Linked Transactions.
StatementChargeLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Statement Charge Linked Transactions.
Templates Query QuickBooks templates.
Transactions Query QuickBooks transactions. You may search the Transactions using a number of values including Type, Entity, Account, ReferenceNumber, Item, Class, Date, and TimeModified.
VendorCreditLinkedTransactions Query QuickBooks Vendor Credit Linked Transactions.

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Build 24.0.8964