ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8964


Query QuickBooks Item Receipt Linked Transactions.

Table Specific Information

Linked transactions are transactions that have been associated with the ItemReceipts specified by the ItemReceiptId column.


Name Type References Description
ID [KEY] String The unique identifier in the format ItemReceiptId|ItemReceiptLineId.
ItemReceiptId String


The item identifier for the item receipt. This is obtained from the ItemReceipts table.
VendorName String The name of the vendor. Either VendorName or VendorId must be specified when inserting an item receipt.
VendorId String


The unique Id of the vendor. Either VendorName or VendorId must be specified when inserting an item receipt.
Date Date The transaction date.
ReferenceNumber String The transaction reference number.
AccountsPayable String A reference to the name of the account the item receipt is payable to.
AccountsPayableId String


A reference to the unique Id of the account the item receipt is payable to.
Memo String A memo regarding the item receipt.
Amount Decimal Total amount of the item receipt.
TxnNumber Integer The transaction number. An identifying number for the transaction, different from the QuickBooks-generated Id.
ExchangeRate Double The market price for which this currency can be exchanged for the currency used by the QuickBooks company file as the home currency. Requires QBXML Version 8.0 or higher.
TransactionId String


The Id of the linked transaction.
TransactionAmount Decimal The amount of the linked transaction.
TransactionDate Date The date of the linked transaction.
TransactionReferenceNumber String The reference number of the linked transaction.
TransactionType String The type of linked transaction.
TransactionLinkType String The link type between the item receipt and linked transaction.
CustomFields String Custom fields returned from QuickBooks and formatted into XML.
EditSequence String An identifier used for versioning for this copy of the object.
TimeModified Datetime When the item receipt was last modified.
TimeCreated Datetime When the item receipt was created.

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Build 24.0.8964