ADO.NET Provider for QuickBooks

Build 24.0.8964


Returns information about payments that have been received and are ready to deposit.

Table Specific Information


The QuickBooks does not support any filters on the server side. All the columns specified in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query will be processed on the client-side. For example, the following query processed on the server side:

SELECT * FROM ReceivePaymentToDeposit


Name Type References Description
ID [KEY] String The unique identifier of the transaction.
TxnType String The type of transaction.
TxnLineID String The unique identifier of the transaction Line.
CustomerRef_ListID String


The ID of the customer.
CustomerRef_FullName String The name of the customer.
TxnDate Date Date of the transaction..
RefNumber String Reference number for the transaction.
Amount Decimal Amount of the transaction. This is calculated by QuickBooks based on the line items or expense line items.
CurrencyId String


The unique Id of the currency for the account. A minimum QBXML version of 8.0 is required for this feature.
CurrencyName String The name of the currency for the account. A minimum QBXML version of 8.0 is required for this feature.
ExchangeRate Double Exchange Rate is the market price for which this currency can be exchanged for the currency used by the QuickBooks company file as the 'home' currency.
AmountInHomeCurrency Double Amount in units of the home currency.

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Build 24.0.8964