ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


This is a table representing the Task entities in Salesforce. To retrieve archived tasks, you must explicitly query for records with IsArchived set to True.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Task.

WhoId String False

Label Contact/Lead ID corresponds to this field.

WhatId String False

Label Opportunity/Account ID corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

ActivityDate Datetime False

Label Due Date Only corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Priority String False

Label Priority corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Assigned To ID corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsArchived Boolean True

Label Archived corresponds to this field.

CallDurationInSeconds Int False

Label Call Duration corresponds to this field.

CallType String False

Label Call Type corresponds to this field.

CallDisposition String False

Label Call Result corresponds to this field.

CallObject String False

Label Call Object Identifier corresponds to this field.

ReminderDateTime Datetime False

Label Reminder Date/Time corresponds to this field.

IsReminderSet Boolean False

Label Reminder Set corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceActivityId String True


Label Recurrence Activity ID corresponds to this field.

IsRecurrence Boolean False

Label Create Recurring Series of Tasks corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceStartDateOnly Datetime False

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceEndDateOnly Datetime False

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Recurrence Time Zone corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceType String False

Label Recurrence Type corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInterval Int False

Label Recurrence Interval corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Week Mask corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfMonth Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Month corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInstance String False

Label Recurrence Instance corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceMonthOfYear String False

Label Recurrence Month of Year corresponds to this field.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9029