ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


This is a table representing the User entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the User.

Username String False

Label Username corresponds to this field.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Full Name corresponds to this field.

CompanyName String False

Label Company Name corresponds to this field.

Division String False

Label Division corresponds to this field.

Department String False

Label Department corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Street String False

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String False

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String False

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String False

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String False

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double False

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double False

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label E-mail corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesAutoBcc Boolean False

Label AutoBcc corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesAutoBccStayInTouch Boolean False

Label AutoBccStayInTouch corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesStayInTouchReminder Boolean False

Label StayInTouchReminder corresponds to this field.

SenderEmail String False

Label Email Sender Address corresponds to this field.

SenderName String False

Label Email Sender Name corresponds to this field.

Signature String False

Label Email Signature corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchSubject String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Subject corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchSignature String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Signature corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchNote String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Note corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String False

Label Cell corresponds to this field.

Alias String False

Label Alias corresponds to this field.

CommunityNickname String False

Label Nickname corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

TimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Time Zone corresponds to this field.

UserRoleId String False


Label Role ID corresponds to this field.

LocaleSidKey String False

Label Locale corresponds to this field.

ReceivesInfoEmails Boolean False

Label Info Emails corresponds to this field.

ReceivesAdminInfoEmails Boolean False

Label Admin Info Emails corresponds to this field.

EmailEncodingKey String False

Label Email Encoding corresponds to this field.

ProfileId String False


Label Profile ID corresponds to this field.

UserType String True

Label User Type corresponds to this field.

LanguageLocaleKey String False

Label Language corresponds to this field.

EmployeeNumber String False

Label Employee Number corresponds to this field.

DelegatedApproverId String False

Label Delegated Approver ID corresponds to this field.

ManagerId String False


Label Manager ID corresponds to this field.

LastLoginDate Datetime True

Label Last Login corresponds to this field.

LastPasswordChangeDate Datetime True

Label Last Password Change or Reset corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

OfflineTrialExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Offline Edition Trial Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

OfflinePdaTrialExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Sales Anywhere Trial Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsMarketingUser Boolean False

Label Marketing User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsOfflineUser Boolean False

Label Offline User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin Boolean False

Label Auto-login To Call Center corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsMobileUser Boolean False

Label Apex Mobile User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSFContentUser Boolean False

Label Salesforce CRM Content User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser Boolean False

Label Knowledge User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsInteractionUser Boolean False

Label Flow User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSupportUser Boolean False

Label Service Cloud User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSiteforceContributorUser Boolean False

Label Contributor User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSiteforcePublisherUser Boolean False

Label Publisher User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsChatterAnswersUser Boolean False

Label Chatter Answers User corresponds to this field.

ForecastEnabled Boolean False

Label Allow Forecasting corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesActivityRemindersPopup Boolean False

Label ActivityRemindersPopup corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEventRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean False

Label EventRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesTaskRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean False

Label TaskRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesReminderSoundOff Boolean False

Label ReminderSoundOff corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableAllFeedsEmail Boolean False

Label DisableAllFeedsEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail Boolean False

Label DisableFollowersEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableProfilePostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableProfilePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableChangeCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisableChangeCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLaterCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisableLaterCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisProfPostCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisProfPostCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode Boolean False

Label ApexPagesDeveloperMode corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNGetChatterMobileTask Boolean False

Label HideCSNGetChatterMobileTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMentionsPostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableMentionsPostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisMentionsCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisMentionsCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNDesktopTask Boolean False

Label HideCSNDesktopTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean False

Label HideChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean False

Label HideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisCommentAfterLikeEmail Boolean False

Label DisCommentAfterLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLikeEmail Boolean False

Label DisableLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMessageEmail Boolean False

Label DisableMessageEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesOptOutOfTouch Boolean False

Label OptOutOfTouch corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableBookmarkEmail Boolean False

Label DisableBookmarkEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableSharePostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableSharePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEnableAutoSubForFeeds Boolean False

Label EnableAutoSubForFeeds corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFileShareNotificationsForApi Boolean False

Label DisableFileShareNotificationsForApi corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowTitleToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowManagerToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowManagerToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowEmailToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowEmailToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowFaxToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowFaxToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCityToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStateToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCountryToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowProfilePicToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowProfilePicToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowTitleToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCityToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStateToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCountryToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideS1BrowserUI Boolean False

Label HideS1BrowserUI corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

CallCenterId String False


Label Call Center ID corresponds to this field.

Extension String False

Label Extension corresponds to this field.

FederationIdentifier String False

Label SAML Federation ID corresponds to this field.

AboutMe String False

Label About Me corresponds to this field.

FullPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for full-sized Photo corresponds to this field.

SmallPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for Thumbnail sized Photo corresponds to this field.

DigestFrequency String False

Label Chatter Email Highlights Frequency corresponds to this field.

DefaultGroupNotificationFrequency String False

Label Default Notification Frequency when Joining Groups corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__Latitude__s Double False

Label GeoLoc (Latitude) corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__Longitude__s Double False

Label GeoLoc (Longitude) corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__c String True

Label GeoLoc corresponds to this field.

TextLong__c String False

Label TextLong corresponds to this field.

ExternId__c String False

Label ExternId corresponds to this field.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9029