ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce

Build 24.0.9029


This is a table representing the Lead entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Lead.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

MasterRecordId String True


Label Master Record ID corresponds to this field.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Salutation String False

Label Salutation corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Full Name corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Company String False

Label Company corresponds to this field.

Street String False

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String False

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String False

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String False

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String False

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double False

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double False

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String False

Label Mobile Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

Website String False

Label Website corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

LeadSource String False

Label Lead Source corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Industry String False

Label Industry corresponds to this field.

Rating String False

Label Rating corresponds to this field.

AnnualRevenue Double False

Label Annual Revenue corresponds to this field.

NumberOfEmployees Int False

Label Employees corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

IsConverted Boolean False

Label Converted corresponds to this field.

ConvertedDate Datetime True

Label Converted Date corresponds to this field.

ConvertedAccountId String True


Label Converted Account ID corresponds to this field.

ConvertedContactId String True


Label Converted Contact ID corresponds to this field.

ConvertedOpportunityId String True


Label Converted Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

IsUnreadByOwner Boolean False

Label Unread By Owner corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

Jigsaw String False

Label Key corresponds to this field.

JigsawContactId String True

Label Jigsaw Contact ID corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedReason String True

Label Email Bounced Reason corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedDate Datetime True

Label Email Bounced Date corresponds to this field.

SICCode__c String False

Label SIC Code corresponds to this field.

Primary__c String False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

NumberofLocations__c Double False

Label Number of Locations corresponds to this field.

ProductInterest__c String False

Label Product Interest corresponds to this field.

CurrentGenerators__c String False

Label Current Generator(s) corresponds to this field.

New_Text_Field__c String False

Label New Text Field corresponds to this field.

External_Id_Field__c String False

Label External Id Field corresponds to this field.

External_Id_2__c String False

Label External_Id_2 corresponds to this field.

AutoNumberTest__c String True

Label AutoNumberTest corresponds to this field.

Formula__c Datetime True

Label Formula corresponds to this field.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9029