CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Fetches the details of the task associated with a bug.

Table Specific Information

This table shows associations between Bugs and Tasks.


  • BugId supports the following operator: =.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BugAssociatedTasks WHERE BugId = '123439000000045005'


To add a new bug-task association specify the BugId and TaskId fields.

INSERT INTO BugAssociatedTasks (BugId, TaskId) VALUES ('123418000000045005', '["123418000000044005"]') 


To delete an existing bug-task association specify the BugId and TaskId fields.

DELETE FROM BugAssociatedTasks WHERE BugId = '123418000000045005' AND TaskId = '123418000000044005'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BugId String False

Bug Id.

TaskId String False

Associated Task Id.

TaskName String False

Associated Task Name.

Prefix String False

Associated Task Prefix.

ProjectId String False

Associated Task Project Id.

TaskOwners String False

Associated Task Owners.

TaskPercentageCompleted String False

Associated Task Percentage Completed.

TaskPriority String False

Associated Task Priority.

TaskListId String False

Associated Task List Id.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111