CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.


Columns that support the = operator:
  • Id
  • CreatedBy
  • MilestoneId
  • Priority
  • TasklistId
  • Owner
  • Status
  • Time
  • LastModifiedTime
  • ViewId

  • CreatedDate and LastModifiedTime support: ORDER
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE MilestoneId = '12345600000123' AND Priority = 'High' ORDER BY CreatedDate


To create a new Task you can specify the following fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Owners
  • Duration
  • DurationType
  • EndDate
  • Priority
  • StartDate
  • TasklistId
  • Work
  • GroupNameAssociatedTeamsAnyTeam
  • RatePerHour
  • ReminderString
  • Recurrence
  • BudgetValue
  • BudgetThreshold

INSERT INTO Tasks (Name, Description, Duration, DurationType, Priority,  BudgetValue)
VALUES ('New Task #2', 'This is a test description', '5', 'hrs', 'High', '1000')


To update a Task specify the Id field.

UPDATE Tasks SET Priority = 'Low' WHERE Id = '123456000000034003'


Tasks can be deleted by providing the Id and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM Tasks WHERE Id = '123456000000034003'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Task Id.

Name String False

Task Name.

Key String False

Task Key.

BillingType String False

Task Billing Type.

Completed Boolean False

Task Completed.

CreatedBy String False

Task Created By.

CreatedByEmail String False

Task Created By Email.

CreatedByZpuid String False

Task Created By Zpuid.

CreatedPerson String False

Task Created Person.

CreatedDate Date False

Task Created Date.

CreatedDateTime Datetime False

Task Created Date Time.

Description String False

Task Description.

Owners String False

Task Owners.

Duration String False

Task Duration.

DurationType String False

Task Duration Type.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。days, hrs

EndDate Date False

Task End Date.

EndDateTime Datetime False

Task End Date Time.

CommentAdded Boolean False

Task Comment Added.

DocsAssociated Boolean False

Task Docs Associated.

ForumAssociated Boolean False

Task Forum Associated.

RecurrenceSet Boolean False

Task Recurrence Set.

ReminderSet Boolean False

Task Reminder Set.

Parent Boolean False

Task Parent.

LastUpdatedDate Date False

Task Last Updated Date.

LastUpdatedDateTime Datetime False

Task Last Updated Date Time.

LinkSelfUrl String False

Task Link Self Url.

LinkTimesheetUrl String False

Task Link Timesheet Url.

LinkWebUrl String False

Task Link Web Url.

LogHoursBillableHours String False

Task Log Hours Billable Hours.

LogHoursNonBillableHours String False

Task Log Hours Non Billable Hours.

MilestoneId String False

Task Milestone Id.

OrderSequence Integer False

Task Order Sequence.

PercentComplete String False

Task Percent Complete.

Priority String False

Task Priority.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。none, low, medium, high

StartDate Date False

Task Start Date.

StartDateTime Datetime False

Task Start Date Time.

StatusColorCode String False

Task Status Color Code.

StatusName String False

Task Status Name.

StatusId String False

Task Status Id.

StatusType String False

Task Status Type.

Subtasks Boolean False

Task Subtasks.

TaskFollowers String False

Task Task Followers.

TaskFollowerSize Integer False

Task Task Follower Size.

TasklistId String False

Tasklist Id.

TasklistName String False

Tasklist Name.

Work String False

Task Work.

WorkForm String False

Task Work Form.

WorkType String False

Task Work Type.


GroupNameAssociatedTeamsAnyTeam String False

Task Group Name Associated Teams Any Team.

GroupNameAssociatedTeamsCount Integer False

Task Group Name Associated Teams Count.

GroupNameIsTeamUnassigned Boolean False

Task Group Name Is Team Unassigned.

RatePerHour String False

Task Rate Per Hour.

ReminderString String False

Task Reminder String.

Recurrence String False

Task Recurrence.

BudgetValue String False

Task Budget Value.

BudgetThreshold String False

Task Budget Threshold.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Owner String

Task Owner.

Status String

Task Status.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。completed, notcompleted

Time String

Task Time.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。overdue, today, tomorrow

LastModifiedTime Datetime

Task Last Modified Time.

ViewId String

Task View Id.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111