CData Python Connector for Zoho Projects

Build 24.0.9111


Gets all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.


Columns that support the = operator:
  • Id
  • CreatedTime
  • Flag
  • StatusType
  • CustomViewId

Columns that support the = and IN operator:
  • AssigneeId
  • ClassificationId
  • EscalationLevel
  • ModuleId
  • SeverityId
  • StatusId
  • ReporterId
  • MilestoneId
  • AffectedMilestoneId

For example, the following query is processed server side:
	WHERE ReporterId IN ('12341021738')
	AND AssigneeId IN ('12341021738')
	AND ClassificationId IN ('123456000000030015')
	AND EscalationLevel IN ('0')
	AND Flag = 'Internal'
	AND ModuleId IN ('123456000000030145')
	AND SeverityId IN ('123456000000030151')
	AND StatusId IN ('123456000000030083')


To create a new Bug, you can specify the following fields:

  • Title
  • AssigneeId
  • ClassificationId
  • Description
  • DueDate
  • Flag
  • ModuleId
  • ReproducibleId
  • SeverityId
  • HourlyRate
  • BugFollowers
  • MilestoneId

To create a new Bug, specify the following fields:

INSERT INTO Bugs (Title, Description, AssigneeId, flag, ClassificationId, DueDate, ModuleId, SeverityId, ReproducibleId, HourlyRate, CustomField1)
VALUES ('SQL Inserted Bug #5', 'Test Description', '12341249448', 'Internal', '123456000000031015', '2022-03-20', '123456000000031145', '123456000000031149', '123456000000031053', '2', 'TestCustomField')


You can use the below query to update a bug:

SET Title = 'SQL Inserted Bug #5',
    Description = 'Another Test Description',
    AssigneeId = '20081249448',
    ClassificationId = '165818000000031015',
    DueDate = '2022-03-20',
    ModuleId = '165818000000031145',
    SeverityId = '165818000000031149',
    ReproducibleId = '165818000000031053',
    HourlyRate = '2',
    cf1 = 'Custom Field Edited #1'
WHERE Id = '165818000000042126'


Bugs can be deleted by providing the Id and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM Bugs WHERE Id = '123456000000042126' 


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Bug Id.

Key String False

Bug Key.

Title String False

Bug Title.

AssigneeId String False

Bug Assignee Id.

AssigneeName String False

Bug Assignee Name.

AssigneeZpuid String False

Bug Assignee ZPUID.

AttachmentCount String False

Bug Attachment Count.

BugNumber String False

Bug Number.

BugPrefix String False

Bug Prefix.

ClassificationId Long False

Bug Classification Id.

ClassificationType String False

Bug Classification Type.

Closed Boolean False

Bug Closed.

CommentCount String False

Bug Comment Count.

CreatedTime Date False

Bug Created Time.

CreatedDateTime Datetime False

Bug Created Date Time.

Description String False

Bug Description.

DueDate Date False

Bug Due Date.

DueDateTime Datetime False

Bug Due Date Time.

EscalationLevel String False

Bug Escalation Level.

Flag String False

Bug Flag.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。internal, external

LinkSelfUrl String False

Bug Link Self Url.

LinkTimesheetUrl String False

Bug Link Timesheet Url.

LinkWebUrl String False

Bug Link Web Url.

ModuleId Long False

Bug Module Id.

ModuleName String False

Bug Module Name.

ReportedPerson String False

Bug Reported Person.

ReporterEmail String False

Bug Reporter Email.

ReporterId String False

Bug Reporter Id.

ReporterNonZuser String False

Bug Reporter Non User.

ReproducibleId Long False

Bug Reproducible Id.

ReproducibleType String False

Bug Reproducible Type.

SeverityId Long False

Bug Severity Id.

SeverityType String False

Bug Severity Type.

StatusColorcode String False

Bug Status Color Code.

StatusId String False

Bug Status Id.

StatusType String False

Bug Status Type.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, closed

UpdatedDate Date False

Bug Updated Date.

UpdatedDateTime Datetime False

Bug Updated Date Time.

GroupNameAssociatedTeamsAnyTeam String False

Bug Group Name Associated Teams by Any Team.

GroupNameAssociatedTeamsCount Integer False

Bug Group Name Associated Teams Count.

GroupNameIsTeamUnassigned Boolean False

Bug Group Name Is Team Unassigned.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
HourlyRate String

Bug Hourly Rate.

BugFollowers String

Bug Bug Followers.

CustomViewId String

Bug Custom View Id.

MilestoneId String

Bug Milestone Id.

AffectedMilestoneId String

Bug Affected Milestone Id.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111