CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111

Data Model

The connector leverages the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM to provide access to your supply chain management data.

Each major task performed by Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM, such as Inventory Management, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Planning, etc. is assigned it's own data model.

CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Data Models

Data Model Description
Inventory Management

The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Inventory Management API.


The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Maintenance API.


The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Manufacturing API.

Order Management

The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Order Management API.

Product Lifecycle Management

The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Product Lifecycle Management API.

SCM Common

The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Common API.

Supply Chain Planning

The available tables from the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Supply Chain Planning API.

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Build 24.0.9111