CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175

Order Management

In the Order Management data model, the connector models data such as configurations, pricing matrix classes and sales orders as an easy-to-use SQL database. Live connectivity to these objects means that any changes to your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM account are immediately reflected in the connector.


The Views section, which lists read-only SQL tables, contains samples of what you might have access to in your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM account.

Common views include:

View Description
SalesOrdersForOrderHub Enables creation, retrieval, and updating of sales orders, offering comprehensive order management capabilities.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublines Manages detailed information about sales order lines, including item specifications, quantities, and associated order details.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubtotals Tracks total sales order costs, including subtotals and tax calculations.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubattachments Tracks documents attached to sales orders, ensuring proper documentation for order processing.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinescharges Tracks pricing information, including charges and applied costs for sales orders.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesmanualPriceAdjustments ; Tracks manual price adjustments made to sales order lines by Order Entry Specialists.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinespriceAdjustments Manages price changes such as discounts applied to sales orders.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesbillingPlans Tracks the billing plans linked to sales orders, including schedule and payment terms.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinespayments Manages detailed payment records associated with sales orders, including methods and schedules.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubpayments Manages payment-related data for the entire sales order, including totals and payment terms.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesholds Manages active and released holds on sales order lines, enabling better control of order processing.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubholds Tracks active and released holds on order lines, providing visibility into order processing constraints.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublineslotSerials ; Captures lot and serial number details for inventory management, especially for returns or traceable items.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinestransactionItemAttributes ; Tracks transaction-specific attributes for items on each order line, supporting custom requirements.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinessupplyOrderReference ; Manages references to supply orders used to fulfill sales order requirements.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesproject Tracks project-related data associated with sales order lines for cost allocation and tracking.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinessalesCredits Tracks sales credit allocations for salespeople involved in the sales order.
SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesoriginalOrderReference Tracks the original order linked to return sales orders for reconciliation.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubcopyOrderReference Tracks references to original orders used as templates for creating new orders, enabling order duplication.
SalesOrdersForOrderHubshipToCustomer Manages customer shipping information for all orders under the sales order hub.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are actions that are invoked via SQL queries. They perform tasks beyond standard CRUD operations, including cancelling sales orders and settling manual claims.

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Build 24.0.9175