本製品 はAzure DevOps のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps テーブル
Name | Description |
BuildDefinitionDrafts | Retrieves a list of drafts associated with the specific definition. |
BuildDefinitions | Retrieves a list of build definitions. |
Builds | Retrieves a list of builds. |
Dashboards | Retrieves a list of dashboards and details for a specific dashboard. |
DeploymentGroups | Retrieves a list of all deployment groups. |
Environments | Retrieves environments. |
Feeds | Retrieves all feeds in an account. |
FeedViews | Retrieves all views for the specific feed. |
GitBranches | Retrieves a collection of git branch, sliced across all repositories. |
Pipelines | Retrieves a list of pipelines |
PullRequestReviewers | Retrieves a list of reviewers for the specific pull request, sliced across all repositories. |
Pushes | Retrieves pushes associated with a repository, sliced across all repositories. |
Queries | Retrieves the root queries and their children. |
ReleaseApprovals | Retrieves a list of approvals.. |
ReleaseDefinitionArtifacts | Retrieves a list of release definition artifacts. |
ReleaseDefinitions | Retrieves a list of release definitions. |
Releases | Retrieves a list of releases. |
Repositories | Generated schema file.. |
TaskGroups | Retrieves a list of task groups. |
TeamIterations | Retrieve a team's iteration. |
Teams | Retrieves a list of all teams and details of specified team. |
TeamSettings | Retrieves settings for a team. |
TestConfigurations | Retrieves a list test configurations. |
TestPlans | Get a list of test plans and details of specific test plan. |
TestResults | Retrieves test results for a test run. |
TestRuns | Retrieves a list of test runs. |
TestSessions | Retrieves a list of test sessions. |
TestSuites | Retrieves all test suites. |
TestVariables | Retrieves a list of test variables. |
VariableGroups | Retrieves a list of variable groups. |
Widgets | Retrieves a list of dashboard widgets and details for a specific widget. |
WikiPages | Retrieves metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided path. |
Wikis | Retrieves all wikis in a project or collection. |
WorkItems | Retrieves a list of work items. This table includes custom fields which are automatically discovered when 'IncludeCustomFields' is enabled. |